I ended up watching some bridezilla show on TV couple days ago, and when the bride said something like “Every girl has dreamed of their own wedding” and I realized that I have never done that. I have never imagined myself in white dress walking down the aisle. Not even when I was young. I’m not sure why, but I was a bit of a tomboy (and still am) so that might have something to do with it. But I did play with barbies and dolls (with cars and horses ;)). They never got married either.
Weird. Well everyone knows that there is something wrong with me, so…

Yesterday I had planned on cooking some soup after work, but friend of mine called and asked if I would go out for a walk with her. So we went, walked over 2 hours so that we had nice sweat on. We didn’t walk only on even roads, but had fare share of fields and paths in the woods. It was great 🙂 So we are planning on doing it once a week at least, next Monday being the next time.
Little sweating is always good!

Other friend (who lives abroad) is visiting Finland and coming over to my place tonight 🙂 Yay! I visited her in Oslo last month, so it’s great hang out again since we have fun pretty much all the time 🙂

12 more days to go…


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