
Finances situation is giving me headache again. I should start paying my student loan soon, but with the money I’m making, it’s not gonna be easy. Sure I got steady job (well no job is steady these days), nice rental apartment and money for food. Still it stresses me and I sound greedy. *sigh*
What I meant to say is that after x amount of years in college and graduating, you would think that you would get decent pay. But no. I didn’t study for nothing, you know. So need to do something about that…

It’s also pain to try to sell my car. My dear Volvo is too big for my use right now, so I’m trying to sell it so that I could buy smaller car. I’ve got one call about it, he told me he would call on Monday about the date when he would pick it up. Surely he didn’t say what Monday it was he talked about, but it was month ago… Couple other people have been interested too, but they want it for half the price I need from it. Why would I need to give out damn fine car for free? People ask even more money of this kind of cars, and this one is in good shape.
Luckily I’m no rush with it, I can always keep it. And I have actually grown quite fond of that funny looking car. It’s almost beautiful after good wash and waxing. Almost 😀

Getting off from work in half an hour, so maybe I should continue working for a bit 😉


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