mowing with mason

mason called and ask if I wanted to ride with him on his big green tractor he would pick me up on the side by side mom said yes think she likes him makes life easier anyways sitting in a tractor with someone you get to know them you talk about a lot of stuff. Mason told me about his mom dying of cancer and a month later his dad died in a car wreck I wanted to cry that’s how he came to live with his Grandmother he is an only child and apparently after his parents died he started getting in a lot of trouble he has well had a reputation of being a bully and doing what he wanted.
He said he finally figured out that it would not end well if things didn’t change but people still remember him being so mean to everyone. Guess that’s why Zoey said he deserves to have to wear one boot she hopes he never gets it back and it embarrassed him she never said why. Mason said he was really mean to her brother last year. He tried to fix it but it didn’t work and he got why they don’t like him.

I just know that’s not the Mason I know he treats me so nice and i love him so much I think I like the county girl life miss the mall and my old friends but hope this never ends

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April 2, 2020

Doesn’t your state tell you to stay home and not be with anyone?  I am not sure if you relize this but you could get the symptoms for this Covid19 and now you are putting others at risk….Not too bright on your part.

April 2, 2020

@jaythesmartone we are in a very rural area and know the people we have been around and where they have been and who has been around them in the last three weeks the only people we have been around is each other so maybe your wrong and should ask questions  before you attack

April 2, 2020


The ask the CBC what they say but I do know that stay at home means stay at home and only go out for essential things like food and medicine…tractors are not an essential thing….

April 2, 2020

@jaythesmartone I’m sure you know how a ranch works and what has to be done on a ranch and the Ranch work is essential and the government said so  and not one of us have left the property we live on my family lives on there ranch

April 2, 2020


Still I would be doing all of this alone…6 feet distance…..

April 2, 2020

@jaythesmartone I get you feel that way, but we are isolated from everyone that is a way of life here they invented social isolation I have learned  that fast since my family moved here, so it is no different than you being around your family my issue, is you just attacked me without asking and talk down to me like  I’m some hick