Help me make it through the night

And I’ll help you too.
Caffeine dehydrates a person. Water hydrates her. It’s all good. So is a private nurse and feline assistant. Oh yeah, I got it made in the shade.
I dare not rely on another session of substitute blogathoner as when I fall asleep, which hopefully will be after 9 a.m., there will be no waking up for who knows how long. I’m thinking.
I am praying so hard. Can’t even form words; it’s direct from my heart and soul to God.
Mary Gauthier. What a presence. What an experience.
Here we go.

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you are almost there.

keep going sweetheart, you can make it! K.

hang on, hang on. We’ll make it. I’m very worried about you right now. worried about the bad news, perhaps? just let me worry. I’m such a freakin’ mom.

ohno! didn’t realize it was this weekend. I’m sorry. I would have made a special effort to come and encourage you. I have disappeared inside myself for a while.

July 30, 2006

i’ma bad sponsor, i know. but, having my 2 daughters arrive last night from jersey & bein so, so, tired after cleaning all day count? i can be here for the next 3 hrs though *smiles* love & licksss…

And Another One Folláin