Obscurity awaits the dryers

I missed it here, but we ODAnonymous members are lucky as one of us started a diary someplace else to post what we have a burning desire to post. Isn’t that grand? Here’s a laundry room musingette.

Tell me true

yes I would say so
made of the same clay
perhaps of less richness than what
some are made of
but yes
whatever I am
and the topic perplexes and annoys me
I am real

I believe you are the last for me
but tell me
do you sometimes think
I am the first for you

I ask and then retreat
because so fine a someone as you are
is beyond my dreams for myself
so when you bring yourself across
an ocean
a street
on my behalf
I am overwhelmed with the magnificence
in the giving
knowing myself impossibly unworthy
reeling in the quiet enormity
of what it tells me
and my words fail
here and now
everywhere and always

Do you see the pale futility
of what I do
the clumsy hopelessness
in my physical proximity
where I learn what more than likely
would be the best thing I could give
even while I know
I am unable

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Unworthy, you ain’t! Lovely whitter M.E. Hugs,

your clay, dear friend, is loaded with gold. *hugs*

Looked up the word “real” in the dictionary and there you were! Your writing continues to be thought-provoking and insightful.

You are not unworthy… far from it. Hugs,

ryn: Thanks for the hugs. When you have your thoughts figured out, I would like to hear your reaction to my entry. Hugs,

November 16, 2003

it is quite grand.

November 16, 2003

toilet paper on your shoe !!!!

I love it that you can write these whitters at the drop of a pen, so to speak. 🙂

This one could speak for so many. I know I’ve felt this on many occasions. Beautiful whitter. Happy Monday.

A musingette! LOL you do much more than than. As ever the flow is magic. Hugs & Smiles

November 17, 2003

You are one of the most worthy, sweets – where’s that confidence? What’s wonderful about you? You are real. With all the blemishes of a life lived. Not a figure of outward perfection with no substance of soul. But an intelligent, loving and sensitive let’s not forget – talented whitterer – who is a gift to us all.

November 18, 2003

…sunk my teeth deep into this one. Mmmm.

November 19, 2003

Such a fine tradition of love you carry on here.