Really later (edited)

I thought, you know, I’ll go note some folks at least; maybe I can be that sociable. But the first diary I clicked on, I saw something that offended me and made me want to lash into the diarist.

It wasn’t anything huge or Earth shattering. It wasn’t pornography or filled with hatred. All it is is an observation, written in this person’s style, and not, I assume, offensive in the general way of things. It violates no rules of The Open Diary.

It is, however, proof positive that I need to stay away from other human beans as much as possible until further notice.

Be well, and I shall leave you with this thought (thanks to Mia Musement for leading me, a few days ago, to the site where I found this lovely thing, Irregular Times):

Edited bit: The loveliest people have asked if it’s them. It isn’t! And I’m not going to say more about it here, except that I believe if you think it’s something you said, it almost certainly is not your diary to which I am referring. I don’t want to say who or what it was because it’s just Aunt Flo and me being our bitchy selves, and no reason to go making a mountain out of a molehill; AF and I are just pissy because we tripped over the thing.

We will now crawl back into our cave. If you are someone I make a habit of hugging, I leave hugs to be picked up after we leave the premises (they’re cute, they look like fuzzy sweaters). See? ME has truly gone off the deep end. Bye for now.

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Oh, I hope it wasn’t me. I’m scratchy and out of sorts. 🙁

Oh my gosh, now you have me worried sweet poet. I’m in postmeno dithering mode 😉 Bush who?

The picture is about George Bush…..

If it was my diary, I’m sorry. If it wasn’t my diary, I’m glad I haven’t been there to be set off. Some days the best I can do is not drink. Hugs until things get better,

April 26, 2004

((hugs)) I hope your ok, I’m sorry something here might be chasing you off 🙁

*relived*! 🙂 I’m much too sensitive (thin-skinned) these days. Probably comes with the depression (and, to a lesser extent, those trolls who are roaming this site in ever-increasing numbers, it seems). You are special.

“relieved” I’d be much happier if I could freaking type $(*&^%*&#$!!!

April 26, 2004

*hugs you tight* that’s all i can do. *kisses your cheek lightly* i can do that too. take care,

Like you, I went exploring other Diaries today, as I have only recently started writing. OpenDiary is such a wonderful community and I was enjoying exploring other readers journals. When I came across your entry, I felt deeply saddened and instantly thought ….”please God, do not let it be my Diary”, as I would never intentionally hurt or offend anyone. : (((( Annie

April 26, 2004

I put my foot in my mouth all the time ME I hope it wasn’t me. I value your writings

Oh, I may appear a bit “thick”, but who is Aunt Flo? : ))) I’ve not had time to read back, through your Diaries to check it out. Sorry. : (((

April 26, 2004

As I said before…take all the time you for Flo…I don’t like her! I’m going to my doc to talk about her! ((HUGS))

April 26, 2004

ahhh i see auntie has made her way to you. *passes the pamprin and chamomile tea*

April 26, 2004

Take your time, sort things out. I hope you’re okay, and I too hope it wasn’t something I said….

April 26, 2004

it was me,i am an ungrateful wench!

Hugz to you too girly – it certainly seems like you need them after what you have come across. It’s always a pleaseure to dive anywhere into your OD or the other OD’s of my favourites – but I too occasionally find one that makes me go grrrrr-arrrrrgggghhh! Kudos to you for speaking out! Love and Hugz Vix xxxxx

April 26, 2004

wow – *hug*

*grin* My first reaction as I read this was “Oh, I do hope it wasn’tme” and I searched vainly through my memory looking for any entry that could have been offensive. And then I see so many other people are asking the same thing! Funny humans we are! I love your little cartoon. Is there a similar one, I wonder, to describe our Bonsai? (Australia’s Prime Minister – a Little Bush, unfortunately)

*hugs* i’m pretty much our of suspicion then since i don’t have an od entry! lol except if you take offence to my eentry about noting 😉 i love you my friend

I hope you feel up to living . I’ve been disappointed much lately. I never give up on people , but sometimes i want to give up trying……that wasn’t what i was going to say,but it was better than the alternative…Bt

Not going to admit any expressions or thoughts about fuzzy sweaters or anything … seems a really good time to just (((((((Me Explorer))))))) : )

was it me?