Oh Michael Starkman…. or should I say “Evan”.

 Dear Diary;

I knew it from the second I saw him on the MTV show "Fresh Meat". From there, he went on to other MTV shows (The Duel, The Gauntlet, The ruins, etc) and I would see his face pop up on my tv screen occasionally but everyone called him Evan and I just assumed that everyone has a twin in the world.

But I was wrong. Or, should I say, right.

"Evan" Starkman = Michael Starkman! The dude who sat behind me on the bus for years. The dude who lived near me and who’s little sister used to bug the crap out of me on that same bus. The dude who played Santa one year in the cafeteria and Erin had her picture taken sitting on his lap for the Year Book. Yeah- that dude from down the road is now a well known MTV reality star who’s adopted the name Evan.

I know better though, Michael. I know better.





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January 3, 2011
January 3, 2011

Hehe his name actually is Evan he just went by Michael. I thought the same thing to when I saw him on TV.

January 4, 2011

No Beckie! It’s totally not. His name Is Michael Evan Starkman.

January 4, 2011

mmm interesting, him and I were in shop class together (because I felt skipping was SOOOOOO much better bah) and he told us all his name was Evan? maybe just bullshitting it could happen. Either way glad he is doing well for himself. Him and Wolfgang both being in movies and on TV kinda exciting that we know them lol 🙂

January 5, 2011

either way – that is totally funny. Interesting where some people end up… 🙂

January 5, 2011

that’s hilarious!