Riding in cars with boys.




♥ A man, rather. A good man. A smart man.


♥ Ed and I spent the morning together. That picture is exactly what part of our time together looked like- except the man would be black and the thighs would be thicker.

We did unmentionable things today. It involved meeting, going for a long car ride to somewhere and then getting lost on some back roads on the way home. Among the unmentionable things (which i do not plan on telling) we had lovely moments where he mentioned "us" in 10 years from now, and talked about his love of trivia and his audition for Jeopardy (Yes, I’ve bagged a smart one!). We also looked at pretty houses, held hands and parked at a river for some quality kissing time. He is by FAR the best kisser I’ve ever laid lips on. Of this fact, I am certain.

He makes me want to be a better person all around. 





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Sounds marvelous!

November 9, 2012

Are you sure hes not looking for more? It sounds like he is, but doesn’t want to admiti it to himself, or anyone else, for that matter? Oh, well. Enjoy it!

November 9, 2012

Fantastic day, fantastic feelings. You go girl! 🙂