Shouldn’t they tell you these things?




♥ I had a doctor appointment today to bring up this weird feeling in my chest. Sort of like when you go on a roller coaster and you drop suddenly- only the dropping feeling is located just in my chest and only lasts a few seconds.

He’s a moron. He sat scratching his head for a while and is sending me for more blood work. 

But here’s the fun thing. He has his computer open and facing me and him and the nurse type their notes in. I happened to catch a glimpse today when he was scrolling back. He’s written that he thinks I have Turner Syndrome.

Like.. wtf dude? Isn’t that something you should discuss with your patient? Especially if you’re writing it in their charts. I looked up Turner Syndrome and I don’t think I fit the description.. but what do I know.

I’m tired. I need sleep.





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December 14, 2012

well I think you would have noticed if you had abnormal sex organs by now.

December 14, 2012

Has he done a cardiac stress test on you – or referred you to a cardiologist if you have been having palpitations and chest discomfort? More blood work I don’t think is what’s needed… what a weirdo… You don’t fit the stereotype of Turners. Do you get palpitations all the time or more around PMS time?

December 14, 2012

Did you ask him about what he was thinking? You’re physically not the usual turner syndrome type… usually really short and petite.