The thing about being tongue tied..

Dear Diary;

….is that when you try to orally please a woman, it hurts for about week afterwards. No joke- I’m totally serious! My frenum is so sore- and has been ever since *that night*. I would really, really love to have laser surgery to fix the issue, but how do you go to your doctor and say "can you snip my frenum so I can have oral sex with this girl…..?"

That ain’t gonna happen.

I have so many weird deformities, don’t I? I know, I’m messed up. The toungue tied thing though is something I’ve always found annoying. It’s frustrating to not be able to stick your tongue out at your brother when you’re 6 years old, or be able to do cool tricks with your tongue like your friends in highschool, or lick a sucker or ice-cream cone without discomfort. I can’t even get my tongue pierced because of it. (Yeah, I thought it would be cool to get my tongue pierced, but found out that it was not possible…)

I wonder if my doctor would even do this surgery…..?

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April 28, 2009

GP probably wouldn’t. Plastic surgeon would.

I was like, “What’s a frenum?” Sorry it’s troublesome. =(

April 28, 2009

Is it one of those “good” kind of hurts? Like when you stretch too far the day after some really good penetration and you go “OW!” and then you flash back to the reason you’re sore…mmmmmmm… The site you linked to seems to suggest there are docs who would do the surgery…not like you’d have to explain WHY, per se, just that it causes you discomfort.