Ups and Downs

Went out Friday night with my friend Lisa and her husband Gene.  Had a nice time, although one too many drinks.  One of their friends met up with us at another place and Lisa was chanting in the parking lot for us to kiss, so, whatever, I kissed another man.  He was a terrible kisser.  Just saying.  Some other man (with a girlfriend) came up to me at the bar and told me I was beautiful.  Okay, thanks for the compliment buddy, but ah, you should be giving it to your girlfriend.

Saturday my friend Kim and her husband were supposed to come over and see about installing my dining room light, I was also supposed to have a guy come over and give me an estimate on how much it was going to be to plug the 4 holes in my floors from when the radiators were taken out when I had the heating done.  They both didn’t come.  I stayed in, nursing a hangover and feeling on the downside of things, but reminding myself I am fine and I did the right thing in ending that relationship.  Still?  It’s hard, I do love him.  Even if he is bad for me.  But as I said to myself and him, I love myself more.

Sunday was a lonely day…I took a ride to NH with Gizmo riding shotgun early in the morning.  Then my brother came over for a couple hours with my niece Kayla.  That was nice.

The hardest part of being alone after being in one relationship or other is the quiet and the lonliness.  It’s okay during the week because I have work to get me out of the house and out of the quiet.  But the weekends are tough.  I have to just keep reminding myself it’s only been a week and it was a terrible breakup.  Keep reminding myself I need time to heal.

Guess that’s it for now.

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