The Day Everyone Pooped

I have to laugh at today’s apparent theme… pooping. I got a text at 4am (not an unusual time) from my bff Nan saying, “Remember me saying I couldn’t shit yesterday, well I can’t today either and it hurts! I’ll call you later!” Then I got a picture text from my friend Jen of this LOG with a quotation of, “I haven’t shit in 8 days, look what my body just produced!” I have seen a lot of turds in my day but that thing was a monster! That shouldn’t be coming out of someone her size. More like a 350lb line backer who is on a strict 10,000 calorie/pure protein diet; not a 5’4/135lb tiny woman. It could save a small village from flooding if everyone climbed on. THEN my sister was on her lunch hour and running an errand when she had to abort mission and find a bathroom. She was beyond elated as it has been four days since she’s had a BM. We talked while she was pooping and the sounds she made and the relief I could audibly understand without words, twas impressive. Nan has also informed me since that she was able to poop finally. She is feeling like there’ll be more though. I know she’ll inform me of such when it happens. I’m totally regular so I have nothing to share about pooping today with excitement, however, I do remember how miserable it was when I’ve been backed up and want nothing more than a magical unicorn to appear and give me a suppository that works instantly. Hope you pooped today if you needed to!

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May 11, 2018

Thank you! 😁

May 12, 2018

I guess somebody has to say it so: 💩

May 12, 2018

Lolololol! How funny and mystifying. Is everyone dehydrated?!

May 12, 2018

Good grief! Only my small boy has talked more about 💩. Who knew one person could have so many stories about it in one day!