
I am still alive in RL and here as well.  So many things have happened since my last entry:

* I am now the proud father of a one year old baby boy, who is the joy of my life.  His name is Derek.  When asked about what it’s like to be a father, I simply reply, "When I look at him the world makes sense."

* I became a Buddhist (still having issues with vegetarianism).  I’m VERY happy with this decision.

* No thanks to Rick Perry, I still love being a teacher.  If that idiot becomes president, my family is moving to Australia…or maybe Canada….or perhaps Lichtenstein.

*  I am now having to take care of my parents to increasingly greater degrees.  This is not fun.

* I’m going to enjoy the Labor Day weekend, in spite of the worst drought in recorded history.

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September 5, 2011

Not sure what the Rick Perry reference is about as I’m actually from Australia and yes, it’s very nice here 🙂

Maybe I should ask my daughter in Texas what she thinks of Perry. Congratulations on being a new father.

September 6, 2011

Hey, nice to see you!

congrats on your baby boy! 🙂 parenthood is the biggest and most amazing experience ever. found you on random!

June 27, 2013

The whole “only showing on OD once every two years” thing is making it hard to run into each other. I hope you, and your family, are doing well, and that we run into each other at some point.