
Happy groundhog day!

My life is unending second chances.
My new/old position is awesome and I’m looking forward to work again for the first time in a long time.
Not just looking foward to going to work, but looking forward to actually doing good work and trying hard.

I have girls, and friends, and money, and time. 

and there is this shadow
that invades if I spend a moment of my time
not doing something.

the second I’m alone
even just for a few moments

my brain
tries to get back in the slop
and wallow in it.

it happens less and less

but like they said in Swingers

you miss the pain

for the same reason you miss her

because you lived with it for so long.

I’m not where close to healed and every day I fight with texting her, but I don’t…..I win….every day.

and now,

I get to fight the Groundhog day fight.

I get to try things over and over
because every day kind of is the same
and it’s me that makes it good or bad.

I just have to conquer me, and the world will lay down at my feet.


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