so much shooting!

This weekend was hard
I went to Austin,
With the new girl
We got an expensive room
Met with old friends
Went to old hangouts
And Ashley was around every corner….
I was on edge the whole time
It was hard.
I didn’t think it through
Old places
Old faces
I didn’t drink
I didn’t want to
I wanted to drive to her apartment
At one point, I did.
We went hiking
And the only good hiking is right next to her place
We climbed a cliff wall to a cave
100 feet above the riverbed
And you could see her balcony
I held it together.
The new girl,
She knew,
But there was nothing she could point to,
But she knew.
Every place we went,
She was lurking
The coffee shop was next to her friends house
The park was the one we never went to
The sub shop was her fav
This is the bar we broke up in that one time
Here was the Chinese restaurant
Where they seated us in a drafty section
And she combined my birthday with our anniversary
So I had to pay
For my birthday dinner.
And even if I hadn’t paid
I’d have to pay it off eventually
Because she was living off of student loans
But not planning on working anymore after she had kids
So why get a masters?
I’m still rather bitter.
And it shouldn’t matter any more.
And I’m more concerned with being right
than moving forward
I’m just not sure how to stop
The new girl was great
Funny, witty, everyone loves her
They all say she’s way hotter than Ashley
They are surprised I can get such a caliber of woman
Not out loud
To my face
But it’s there
“so how did YOU TWO meet? Harrumph”
“what are you doing with THIS GUY?” Punch in the shoulder “ahhh I’m just fucking with you Minter”
Yeah, she’s beyond my norm.
Out of my league even
My league being pounding pizza and killing terrorists on xbox
I’m just not feeling it though.
I’m not sure if it’s me or her. 
It’s probably me,
I’m kind of all scars and bitter inside
And it’s probably not fair to her
To keep being me
The way I am
And not tell her.
I’m not all panicky and butterflys with her
And that’s what you want…..right?
I should have taken more time
I should have been alone a little longer
Instead of dating like I did.
Every day, for a month.
So I wouldn’t have to spend a moment alone
But new girl,
She’s the funniest person I know.
We just stood on the corner of 6th street in Austin
And made up stories about the people walking by
And she was so funny,
<div style=”margin: 0in 0in 0pt”>I couldn’t laugh
I was just impressed
Stunned but the depth of her pop references
Amazed that she saw people and the world just like me
At that moment
It’s weird right? I’m the funny one….maybe that’s it….I’m so selfish I can’t share that?
Superbowl 45 was fun. 
We went out to basdrop and shot a cannon into the hills,
No seriously
A fucking cannon.
It was crazy.
I shot my sniper rifle at jars full of explosives
I shot skeet
I shot many handguns
I ate wild hog
I saw a shooting star that blew my mind.
I flew a kite
I watched the game on a 10×15 outdoor screen
With 50 other people
Next to a bonfire
Lying on a blanket
With new girl.
She said she was crazy about me
And all I could think was
You’re not her.
I’m such a dick
Remember that old “wear sunscreen” song years back
“don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts
Don’t put up with someone who’s reckless with yours”
Why can’t I do that?  

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Quit stalking her! However you’re doing it, I know you are… it makes it so much harder to let go. You got over the last one, you’ll get over this one too. Focus on you for awhile… Someone will give you butterflies when you’re ready again. Don’t do this to yourself for another 10 years, it’ll arrest your development… and you’ll have old balls. Nobody wants that.