Happy V day.

I took some advice (jill!)
I told new girl
I’m still a little broken inside about old girl
And new girl quickly texted her friends
That we were meeting
And looked across the car at me
And said
Take me home
And that was it
She cried
Sobbed is a better word
sitting next to me,
too cowardly to even look at her
Houston is so big.
The restaurant was 40 min away.
And we were almost there
When she pried it out of me
The restaurant may as well have been on the moon
For as long as it took to get home
I’m not still hung up on Ashley
I’m kind of obsessed.
It all hit again, after being distracted for months.
I think about the flowers she brought over to my house
On one of the last weekends she came out
She said she bought them for her self
She never did that for 18 months.
I’m sure they were from someone else.
Why did she go running every day for the last few days before we broke up
And with whom?
Who was she with,
at the party,
the night we ended?
And I think about stupid things like that
Stupid, awful obsessive things.
I talked to my brother about it.
He was amazing
He’s a doctor.
He told me a story.
Guy comes in with a cough and a fever. My attending asks me “what do you want to do?” and I say “give him a chest xray, see what’s in there” and the attending asks “how will that change your treatment” and I think “if he has something in there, I’m going to give him antibiotics to treat, and if he doesn’t have anything, I’m going to do the same thing for the cough and feaver” so then I realize it doesn’t matter what’s happening inside, I’m going to do the same thing to make it better. Do you get what I’m saying?
Yeah, my brother told me that.
Great advice from Dave.
The world is a strange and mysterious place.

I asked him why he loves valentiens day so much
he said that it wasn’t about spending time with someone
but about being greatful for all the times that you got to.

And if you comment on these, at least gimme your name……

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February 15, 2011

it’s been over a year now and i am still broken inside over what jon did to me. my sweet boyfriend, jared, understands this and realizes that time will eventually take its course and i won’t be so broken. but it does take time and when the relationship was as intense as it was it can take even longer. if she doesn’t want to be with someone with issues, she needs to take a fifteen year oldwho’s never been in a relationship before. it’s the only way you’re going to be with someone who doesn’t have any baggage.

February 17, 2011

meh. austin is less humid and there’s more dancing. i’ll stay here.

April 10, 2011

😛 did you or did you not move from GR?

May 31, 2011

ryn: more what?