No barking from the dog, no smog…

I had a great day today.
I got elite status on Continental for the first time ever. 
$25 baggage check
Separate security line
Don’t mind if I do
No one sitting next to me for the flight to CA
Mmmm comfy!
Free upgrade to an SUV
Thanks National
Yes, I am a business pro.
Off to Northern CA.
Then it hits me.
I flew into the wrong airport.
I need to be 6 hours north Tuesday Morning.
It’s Monday afternoon.
I saw a thumb,
up high in the air,
asking for help.
His name was River
And he needed a ride
He had dreds,
White guy dreds
He was a pot broker
Legal pot, because it’s CA
He had a dream of becoming a broker full time.
He just needed money,
for two body guards,
semi automatic weapons
and an armored van.
Then, it was so ON!
40 min later he was out of the car,
Safely at home.
20 min after that
There was another thumb
High up in the air
And this one
Had a dog
The thumb was named Trigger
And the dog’s name was Blue
Trigger had just purchased land in Norcal
He was younger than me
He panned for gold.
Cleared timber
Grew weed
Had family in Michigan.
Two sons he didn’t see in San Fran
But now that he had the land,
He could build a life
And his sons
And their missionary mother
Could come live with him.
He bought it for $28K
Paid in cash.
He was milling his own lumber
To build a cabin.
He was as eloquent as he was smelly.
I may have to burn the rental car.
He forgot his gloves.
Then, after a long drive and the quick efficient check in at a Hampton inn
Free upgrade to a suite
I found a brand new camera
In the box
With all the accoutrements
Sitting next to the elevator.
And it turned it in to the front desk.
Tomorrow is customer visits
And work
And then a wine show
(the fucking Catalina wine show!)
And then a weekend of fun with girls
But I feel good…….
I feel good because I did good.
I hope that we are even….fate.

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*grins* what a great and happy entry 🙂