So tired.

Do you ever have one of those days when you feel like everyone is just looking at you weird?  I don’t know.  A few people I usually interact with just brushed me off or gave me weird looks… one even completely ignored me when I said hi.  I already feel invisible a good deal of the time.  When someone ignores me, if pisses me off.  I even went to look in the mirror in the bathroom to make sure my hair didn’t look crazy, or that I had all my clothes on.  Everything seemed fine to me… *shrugs*

Last night I was supposed to get off at 10.  Cheris didn’t come in and everyone thought she was supposed to.  Apparently she told our boss she couldn’t come in, but she misunderstood, so we didn’t have anyone for 3rd shift to come in until 1am.  So I had to stay until 1am until BP came in.  Then I had to drive 45 minutes home just to eat and sleep, then come back.  I slept okay until Dexter woke me up.  She laid his fat body on my chest and meowed until I got up… to WATCH him eat.  Then he wanted to sit and look out the window, so I had to pull the curtains and blinds up, then tried to go back to sleep with the sun blasting on my face.  Now I’m just so tired.  I did sleep about 7 hours, but feel rundown.  People at work keep getting covid, and I wonder if I’m next.  The sad thing is, if I get it, the worst thing I’m concerned about is the fact my BF would be mad.  He would say it was my fault I got it, and I wasn’t careful enough and then it would be my fault when he got it.  THAT is the only thing that concerns me about getting it.  I could fight through sickness, but being blamed for being sick is what I’m tired of dealing with.  I’m blamed for everything.  I do nothing right.  I’m just so tired of it all.  It’s exhausting walking on eggshells all the time.    He would probably even jump to the conclusion I cheated on him with some dude that had covid.  That is how his mind works.  It would not surprise me.  I’m so fucking tired.

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