Boring Survey


-Real name: Chelsi

-Birth date: July 16th, 1984 

-Height: 5’3"

-Eye color: Sometimes blue, sometimes green

-Hair color: Blonde/Brown

-What does your name mean: No clue

-High school graduation year: 2002

-Favorite relatives: I like most of my family

-Summer memory: Summers I spent with my grandma

-Favorite TV shows: Degrassi, Laguna Beach, The Real World, I dunno lol

-What’s on your mousepad:  It’s just green

-In the car- ac or windows: Windows unless it’s WAY hot

-Do you believe in yourself:  Not really

-Favorite game: Monopoly

-Favorite drink: Pepsi

-Favorite food: Spaghetti, Mashed taters, i love everything!

-Favorite colors: green or blue

-Favorite cigarettes: Marlboro Reds

-Favorite sounds: Any good music

-Favorite smell: Preferred Stock, Peach, Watermelon, stuff like that

-Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Get drunk

-Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Hard to say

-First thought in the morning: Damnit morning already

-Do you get motion sickness: No not really

-Rollercoasters- deadly or exciting:  Definelty exciting

-How many rings before you answer the phone: Until it shows me who it is lol

-Are you a good friend: probably not

-Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Chocolate

-What do you drive: 2003 Ford Escape

-Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Nope

-Thunderstorms cool or scary: Cool… until they become scary

-If you could meet one person in the World, who would it be:  Who knows

-What is your zodiac sign: Cancer

-What do you wear to bed: Pj pants and a tshirt

-Do you eat stems of broccoli: Sure

-Guys- If a girl ever asked you for the shirt on your back,
would you give it to her? N/A

-Girls- Would you ever ask a guy for his shirt? maybe

-If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: Equine Chiropractor, maybe even a vet tech

-If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: blonde and kept darker underneath

-If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: I haven’t decided for sure yet

-Favorite brand of gum: Extra

-What is your favorite quote: I’ll get back to ya on that one

-Have you ever been in love: Yes…I think

-What’s on your walls in your room: Nothing…how boring is that

-Is the glass half-empty or half-full: Half empty

-Which do you prefer- Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos: Cool Ranch

-Favorite flavor Snapple: Peach

-Which one, Coke or Pepsi: I like em both, but usually Pepsi

-Which kind of milk is your favorite: 2%

-If you were to kill someone, which method would you use? I don’t think I could ever kill anyone

-Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Righty

-Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Yes

-When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their:  Definitely their eyes

-What’s under your bed: Crap

-What’s the best number in the World: hmmm i dunno

-What is your dream car: ohhh there’s a lot of em lol

-Who is your biggest crush right now:  it’s a secret lmfao

-Nickname: which one do ya want…chugs, duckie, i could go on forever

<font face="Bookm

an Old Style” size=”3″>-Bacon Bits Or croutons: croutons

-Favorite Salad Dressing: Ranch

-Do you Drink: Yes

-Do you smoke: On occasion

-What type of Shampoo/Conditioner: Herbal Essence

-Have you ever been skinny dipping: Nope

-Do you make fun of people:  Yes, but 99% of the time they deserve it

-Have you ever been convicted of a crime: No

-One pillow or two: 3?

-Pets: none

-Favorite Movies: 8 seconds, and we just watched The Upside of Anger lastnight and it’s really good

-Favorite type of music: Country

-Hobbies: scrapbooking, riding horses, etc

-Word or Phrase you overuse:  awesome

-Toothpaste: Crest

-Piercing or tattoos: my ears twice

-Do you get along with your parents: Yes

-Favorite beer: Bud Light and Budweiser

-Favorite song at the moment: "Your Man" by Josh Turner

-Most humiliating moment:’s a secret

-Favorite Holiday: Christmas

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