Day 1 of Full Blown Potty Training.

Well it’s official, now that I am a stay at home mom again, my daughter has got to be potty trained!  We have less than 30 diapers and I’m bound and determined to NOT buy anymore.  She’s going to be 3 in July and I KNOW she understands the concept of going in the potty.  She has a very smart butt attitude when she seems mommy or daddy go, she’s always telling us good job like we are the ones being potty trained.  I’ve tried potty treats, I’ve tried letting her pick out her underwear, telling her not to pee or poop on Dora or Dora will cry.  Finally, I’ve just told her the diapers are gone, and she has to wear big girl underwear.  I keep telling her how Dora is so proud of her for being a big girl, still keeping everything positive, with treats, I think she gets the most benefit from seeing how proud her daddy is, so lets hope.  I just have to stick with it and hope things go somewhat easy.  If anyone has any pointers…I’m all for them!  So far today has gone pretty well.  She’s had one accident, but has gone 3 times so that’s not too bad.  I have a feeling the hardest part is going to get her to #2 on the potty.  She’s getting very annoyed with me asking her every 5 minutes if she has to go potty.  LOL

I have a new…well repeat foster coming today.  I had a feeling it wouldn’t be long before she was back.  She was just about 3 months old when she got adopted, and she was just as shy as could be.  Really calm, but apparently she’s grown, she’s not 5 months old and I had checked in with the family just the other day, after I seen them trying to sell her on Craigslist.  They told me that they just loved her and things were great, but the did have some concerns with her chewing the siding off their house, and all of their bushes.  My guess is she’s spending way too much time outside by herself and is getting bored, and not getting the attention she needs, which really disappoints me because I absolutely loved this family when they adopted her.  Anyways, I gave them a number to a trainer we have that could have given them ideas and helped them out a lot.  I don’t know if they contacted her or not, but she wound up in the shelter today.  Really frustrates me because when they adopted they signed a contract saying they had to return her to us if it didn’t work out.  PLUS I had JUST talked to them about it all and they sounded like they were willing to give the trainer a try.  Anyways, it’s obvious that it wasn’t working out and they didn’t realize what they were getting themselves into when they got a puppy.  Puppies are puppies, they are going to chew, pee, and they have lots of energy.  It’s been well in the negatives the last few mornings like…more than -20 and I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and hope they realized it’s WAY too cold for the pup to be outside.  BUT they could have contacted me or anyone else at the Humane Society instead of just dumping her at the pound.  Luckily, around here everyone involved with animal rescue knows everyone so the shelter contacted the president of the humane society and she is going to pick her up and bring her to me.  I have a feeling she’s going to be a challenge to get her back to being crate/housetrained, but hey..that’s what I’m here for 🙂

Anyways, need to get Mason going to his afterschool activities and then hopefully little miss Kaelee will take a nap so I can get some more deep cleaning done.  I ended up getting a quite of bit done yesterday!

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lolololololol. I was like “WHY THE EFF WOULD THERE BE PARENTS SELLING CHILDREN ON CRAIGSLIST?! What kind of child would gnaw the siding off of the house?!” Clearly I need more coffee. *

RYN: Glad it could put a smile on your face, at least! *

January 4, 2013

^^^that was my first thought. I was totally had baby on the mind, was horrified, until I got to the siding part and did a little rewind with an “aha” moment. (=