Day 2 of Potty Training HELL

Potty training DID NOT go so well today.  I’m starting to lose patience and it’s only the 2nd day!  I have tried everything I can think of to get this girl to go on the potty.  She does it when she feels like it..but when she doesn’t feel like it…there’s no way she’s going to do it.  Did I mention she’s stubborn?  So…is she too young…do I wait…do I stick with it…HELP!  She will be 3 in July…my son was completely potty trained just after he turned 2….I’m at a loss…I’ve slowly been introducing this to her for a while now, tried different rewards, tried just making her doing…ugh…she might just be one that has to do it on her own…I don’t know because I know she understands the concept, she’s just stubborn! 
Anyways, my previous entry was quite entertaining, had some worried that I was talking about a kid, when I was talking about a foster…puppy LOL.  Good news is, she has already been adopted.  The family didn’t hesitate even when I told them numerous times…she is a puppy…she chews…on everything…including the siding on your house 🙂  We’ll see how it works out.  Now I’m down to just a foster kitty who will be leaving this coming week sometime.  I’m sure by then I’ll have another dog. 
Anyways, I have to cut this one short to clean up the house a bit, tomorrow is going to be spent doing some major deep cleaning.  I’ve been doing it all through the week and I just want to get it all finished tomorrow. 

So leaving this entry…I want to ask for help on 2 things.  First, the potty training…tips…suggestions…ANYTHING?  Also, part of my reasoning for deep cleaning is to get organized.  I need to…I’m SO unorganized and I think it’s a lot of my stress.  I run business that haven’t been doing as well as they could because I’m unorganized.  I need to get back on track get things going, and push my sales.  (I sell Tupperware, Scentsy, and Mary Kay).  Anyways, so I need suggestions on how to get and stay organized, this can be tips on anything…financially, cooking, cleaning, just anything that helps!

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January 5, 2013

I’m not any help on the PT front. We’re about to move, so don’t plan to even start until we’re settled. (He’s about to be 2) Are you on Pinterest? That’s where I’m getting all my organizing ideas.. There’s tons!

January 7, 2013

Agrees with above noter. Pinterst has TONS of organizing tips. As for the potty training, Cricket was almost 4 when he was fully trianed. He was one that just had to WANT to do it. I didn’t use rewards or treats, just told him that “big boys” didn’t use their clothes and encouraged him.