I’m Just Gonna Quit!

I’m beginning to think the only time I’m going to get on here is to complain about my job.  For the most part things have been going alright.  Except for my  job.  I absolutely LOVE my job, I just hate the people I work with.  I seriously think I’m going to look into something else.  I mean, maybe something related a little closer to my major.  Something to do with childcare, daycare, something like that.  It’s just so frustrating.  I mean there aint a single person there that is happy with their job and everyone takes it out on everyone else.  It’s dumb, I mean blah.  Someone told me the other day that you’ll never have to work a day in your life if you like your job.  Well I like my job, like I said I just can’t stand the people I work with…except my mom.  The latest thing is someone complained about what I wear.  Normally I just wear jeans and a t shirt..or sweatshirt, no big deal, but today someoen complained…while I wasn’t there, of course, they went around me and went to my mom..uh..hello…TELL me..anyways, once in a while I’ll wear like warm up pants or something just because (usually when I’m on my period, or just don’t feel good).  Only because my job requires a lot of driving and they are just the most comfortable.  Well someone…I really think I know who….complained.  Which pisses me off because I wanna see a handbook or something that says there is a dress code….

I mean, maybe I’m over reacting, but it pisses me off.  There’s just so much bullshit that’s going on around there it’s just stupid.  I mean flat out stupid, they want to fire one of the office girls because she’s missed a quite of bit of work because she’s sick with morning sickness.  Like really bad!  I’m thinking what in the hell.  I’m looking on Job Service right now so we’ll see.  I’m definitely ready to find something else.


I gotta go to class, I’ll write again later, maybe when I”m not quite so fired up. 






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February 10, 2005

What are you going to Vegas for?

February 11, 2005

Hry chel When are you goin to Vegas I am going tooo, get ahold of me.

RYN: There you go. You’re added. 🙂 *Hugs*