Curves – 13 months

I know this is a little lot late, and I apologize.

I’ll be honest and say I did not want to post it because, well, after all of the good posts I’ve had over the last year, I didn’t want to post a not-so-good one.

But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I have to own up and accept it for what it is. I have to hold myself accountable for every weigh-in, even the not-so-good ones. (Not going to be negative!)

And I realized that no one here is going to judge me as harshly as I judge myself. I don’t feel bad about the numbers I’m going to share with you. I came to understand that these numbers reflect how human I am, and I accepted that you all needed to see them. Good or not-so-good.

Rest assured, these numbers are only temporary. *smiles* I’m getting back on track and will be back down to 216 in no time. There won’t be any pictures since I’ve not changed much (even with a gain) over the last couple months.

These numbers also reflect how out of whack my cycle was. I ovulated early last month, in turn causing Aunt Flo to pay me an early visit. It threw all the numbers completely off. So, please take that into account. Thank you!

4/27/2011 (13 months after joining Curves)

Weight – 223 pounds (216 last month) = 7 pound gain (61 3/4 pounds lost so far)
Bust – 37 (36 1/2 inches last month) = 1/2 inch gain (4 3/4 inches lost so far)
Waist – 39 (37 3/4 inches last month) = 1 1/4 inch gain (7 inches lost so far)
Abdomen – 51 inches (49 1/4 inches last month) = 1 3/4 inch gain (7 3/4 inches lost so far)
Hips – 50 1/2 inches (50 inches last month) = 1/2 inch gain (7 3/4 inches lost so far)
Thigh – 28.5 inches (27 inches last month) = 1 1/2 inch gain (times 2) (8 1/2 inches lost so far – 4 1/4 inches off each one)
Arm – 13 inches (13 inches last month) = no loss (times 2) (5 1/2 inches lost so far – 2 3/4 inches off each one)

Body Fat Percentage – 40.5% (39.6 last month) = 0.90% gain (47% on 3/26/2010)
BMI – 35.19 (34.08 last month) = 1.10 gain (44.93 on 3/26/2010)

According to my weight/measurement report, I gained 4.78 pounds of body fat (of the 7 pounds I gained), and I gained 7 inches.

My 13 month total weight loss is 61 3/4 pounds (43.52 is body fat pounds). And I’ve lost 41 1/4 total inches off my body. My body fat percentage is down 6.50%, and my BMI is down 9.74.

So there it all is in black and white for everyone to see.

This also shows me what going off the plan does. I was talking to Renee tonight about what I’ve been eating a lot of lately. And she seems to think it’s my body’s way of telling me there’s a deficiency somewhere. So, I’m going to get back on my vitamins and try my hardest to get back to Phase 1 of the plan – 1,200 cals for 7 days. Like she told me, I have the tool box.. I just need to find the right tools to get myself back on track.

This should show you that deviating from a lifestyle change will have consequences. *laughs* I have 12 pounds I need to get rid of. I’m 28 away from 200 instead of 16. But I know I can do this.

Good luck to those of you just starting out.. and to those of you that have been going at it for a while. You can do it!!

Curves Scale:

baby development



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May 10, 2011

dont be discouraged!

We all fall off the so called wagon, but it is what we do after we fall that matters. I recently have picked myself back up and starting to work out again. I finally realized that it is for me, not everyone around me.

May 11, 2011

Hey, don’t feel guilty, you’re doing this for yourself, not anyone else. That’s what I have to keep telling myself, when I sneak a biscuit or something because nobody’s looking “I’m only cheating myself here, why should I hide?” We’re only human and your weight is down A LOT, which is brilliant!

May 11, 2011

You still ROCK!!!

May 11, 2011

I’m really proud of you for posting this my friend…even more proud than I have been of your tremendous success with the weight loss. Your attitude about life in general is a real blessing to hear about! *HUGS*

May 11, 2011

i think you are still doing awsome!!

I don’t think you should feel bad at all–your first slip up after a YEAR of staying on program?? I think that’s amazing! 🙂

May 11, 2011

You are going great! Like joyful.girl said, it’s been over a year and this is your first slip up, that is impressive! I’ve fallen off the wagon twice this month alone! You will reach your goal, look how far you’ve come! I am so proud of you!!!

May 11, 2011

At least your owning up to it…and hey everyone makes mistakes or has something happen to them but your doing it right by just jumping back in. I still think you’re awesome!:)

They say we fluctuate 5 lbs a day cause of eating. Is it possible 5 of those lbs are from that and maybe a 2 lb gain? Know what I mean?

May 11, 2011

sometimes you just need a swift kick in the butt to get back on the program. at least you caught it when it was only 7 lbs gain (better than catching it when you are over your highest weight). cant wait to see next months numbers. i know you will rock it.

May 11, 2011

You are still doing so well, don’t let it get you down! <3 Annie-Rae

RYN: I just feel so bad because Ashley was one of my really good friends my senior year. She stayed at my house often and my mom always liked her. We hung out all the time. My heart breaks for her because Madi is gone… I feel like I should want to go to support Ashley and that’s what makes me feel the most wimpy.

May 11, 2011

Like you said…it is a LIFEstyle change. This is something that you will do the rest of your life and you are bound to have some times where you slip. The biggest thing is that you know what you need to do and are making the changes to get back on track. You are doing amazing!

May 11, 2011

RYN: thank you so much for what you said, and thank you for posting this. I forget sometimes that we are all human and this is not a simple journey. I give you a lot of credit for doing this totally on your own since tomorrow morning I will be getting the lap band surgery. Good lucknand I look forward to seeing your progress!

May 11, 2011

We all fall off the weight wagon sometimes, lol. At least you realize where you are going wrong and are fixing it right? You would be proud to know that I myself have lost 9 pds *bows* After a couple months of research I have become a vegan! I absolutely love it and it hasn’t been a hard transition at all. Thankfully I have been red meat free since last yr and gave up fast food/pop over lent cnt

May 11, 2011

and I haven’t looked back. Basically I just had to give up fish/chicken which is fine. Hardest is dairy (mainly cheese lol) thankfully I love soy milk so its all good 🙂 Been exercising every day and overall feeling great =) I am so very very proud of you and all that you have accomplished ((hugs))

May 11, 2011

start singing its a small world — was visiting Matt Logelin’s website, and watched a video on his flickr stream of his daughter explaining why she didnt want to eat carrots, and YOU had favorited the video! crazy! I love his blog & cried when I read his book. 🙂

I think you are doing wonderful. Part of all of this is learning to accept not only your wins but your losses as well. Pick yourself back up and get back at it and you will get this done. I believe in you. *HUGS*

May 13, 2011

*hugs* sounds like Renee will help you back on track :o)

Hello from FB!

May 13, 2011

You ROCK! You are human and I admire your honesty and not sugarcoating your journey. Good luck this month! Like you told me, it happens a little at a time.

May 13, 2011

You can do it! You’ve come this far, then you can keep it up. You’ll be under 200 in no time.

May 13, 2011

Ryn: Thanks. 🙂

May 17, 2011

ryn: Oh I know. I’m just angry at myself for giving into food AGAIN and gaining AGAIN. :

May 18, 2011

You are doing so great! I know you will get back on track and reach your goal. Good job and goodluck!!