Fun in the Sun… or not?

Part and parcel of being a redhead is freckles and a tendency of looking like a well done lobster if spent too much time in the sun. I hate this, bc I kind of like the sun. I understand that I can’t spend a lot of time in strong sun but a bit is ok. :3
I am hooked on this song..
It’s an older song of his. I first found out about him from my 3DS back in the day with Nintendo Video or whatever… if you owned an original 3DS you know what I’m talking about.
I spend a chunk of time sunning myself but … I know my limit.
Friday I get my new Lenovo gaming computer. So, that’s exciting! 🙂
What is up with y’all?
I am also a redhead (strawberry blonde) and I know allllll about freckling and then burning to a crisp. I now stay out of the sun as much as possible. I would rather be white and comfortable, then red and in pain.
@novembercirese #truth
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