Kicking arse and taking Names!!!

Just like Rocky Balboa. 😀 I had a bit of a rough patch at dinner… but all is good now.
I have had this song in my head for the past couple of hours. I love the original Charlie & Chocolate Factory. 🙂 We had it on VHS tape wayyyyyyyyyyyy back when. 🙂 Of course you can d/l the movie on your various devices nowadays ja?
I am getting Takuya tomorrow so Julz the computer can go back to her owner — my sister! 🙂 Takuya is an Elitebook almost like Julz-PC. And I’m getting a new mouse. 🙂 Everything is good. 🙂
May I remind everyone that Jim is my hometown boy as is…
John Candy! They both hail from Newmarket!
And also,
Glass Tiger! 😀
Newmarket is a wonderful quiet town. I am glad I come from here. 😀 😀 😀
I have done the unspeakable. I registered (under the name Westner) another FB account. You may burn me at the stake.
Seriously IDKY I did that. Pissant Mark Zuckerberg. Sucking us in like a damn human Shop Vac. Holy jeez.
But who gives a shit? I joined mainly for my family and friends… not the fucking bot accounts. Jeez louise!
So, how’s life in Covidtown??? Like I said above, I’m kicking arse and taking names~!!!
Who do you think is more muscular Sly or Arnold?
Frankly IDK myself. Maybe Arnold? Sly is muscular in a different way than Arnold… methinks??
Only I, a man crazed person, would go on about muscly men. 😛
I’ll stfu now. 🙂
I don’t like uber muscled men at all. Not attractive. They look like a scorpion with those big uppers and claws, I mean arms. Bleh.
But I DO like John Candy and Jim. Good people come from Canadia. 🙂
@novembercirese Yupp Canada rocks! 🙂
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I wonder what Arnold looks like now that he’s aged.
@kotila probably still buult. 🤔😄
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like that one to Chocolate Factory
@ihavenoarms same here Todd.😄
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proud to be canadian I like John Candy
@itsjustmarina 😍
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Yeah, FB is for friends mainly. Love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The guy who played Willie Wonka is the Bomb.
@smokedragon Gene Wilder or Johnny Depp??
@moonshinemollie Gene Wilder. I do like Johnny Depp, but Wilder was a complete genius. That scene near the beginning where he pretends to need his cane to walk and then does a somersault, that was thought up by him.
@smokedragon He was amazing wasn’t he? 🙂
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