****Changing So Fast****

First of all, thank you very much for all of your wonderful notes and happy birthdays.  I am glad to say that I am feeling much better.  I was at a really bad place emotionally when I wrote my last entry.  I was ready to kick Stephen out among other drastic things.   I felt very alone and unsupported for many different reasons.  I have since pulled myself out of that funk and am feeling better.  BTW, I truly dont want to kick Stephen out, he is an amazing man, so good to me and to Brooke and I wouldnt trade him for the world, I was just feeling very helpless at that moment.

So, now onto a more interesting subject, my Lil Bit.  Oh shes amazing and shes changed so much in the 4 short months shes has been here.  I really cannot remember life before her.  It seems like just yesterday I was recording a "see you soon" message for her……now with a blink of an eye she is already so grown.  She is such a happy content baby and I truly am blessed.  I am not saying this because I am biased, but she is gorgeous and a wonderful baby…..she is the kind of baby all parents dream of having.  Others would agree with me.  Others who have no reason to be biased.  My baby is amazing.  So, on the 17th she will be 4 months old, time sure does fly.  She is talking so much now…..more than just the coos she was blurting out a month ago, with more enthusiasim as well.  In all of her little play things, such as her play mat, bouncer etc, she picks out the monkey and talks to it, so excited and just laughing and giggling, its beyond cute.  I sometimes just stare at her, for minutes at a time, totally amazed at her and all the things she makes me feel.  I wasnt ready to have a baby, right up until the moment they were announcing "its a girl" I still wasnt ready…….but Im sooooo glad she is here.  I am so anxious to watch her grow, I can already see that she is going to have such a fun personality and I cant wait to witness it grow and develop.  I have so many things Im looking forward to.  God, I am so grateful for that one little tiny person. 

Oh and she is having a heart echo done on Weds for a slight murmur, Im not worried about it, just not looking forward to her being sedated.

Until next time, here are a few pics I took a few weeks ago.

This is her "O" face and its my favorite one of her faces……….

The compliments I have been given in my life do not compare to the pride I feel when someone compliments me on my baby.  Those compliments bring me greater joy than any others I have ever gotten.

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October 13, 2008

Brooke is seriously the cutest baby girl I’ve seen! I love the second pic! I just want to hold her and cuddle. Haha! I’m so glad you find joy in watching her day in and day out. You are so blessed! *hugs* 😀

October 14, 2008

BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the O face…what a beauty!

October 17, 2008

She is sooo cute!

October 20, 2008

oh she is such a cutie!! love the big eyes and the “O” face!! CUTE!!