Doggie Woes

 So I wasnt at work yesterday.  I called in because of Puppy.  I left work an hour early on Monday, the wound was pretty bad and Puppy wouldnt let anyone mess with him.  So I rushed home to take care of my baby.  Got home, fixed him up. patched up Beaux as well.  Beaux was banged up, his ear had wounds and his leg was messed up.  We locked Puppy up in the bathroom.  He looked pretty poor and just laid around for a day and a half.  Dont blame him, we arent sure when it happened, if it happened Saturday then he laid around outside, wounded and starving.  He’s looking MUCH better now and is in MUCH better spirits, thank goodness.  A male and femal dog came into our yard and she is in heat, my sisters dog Tarzan made a man of himself.  So, we assumed that was what happened, they got into a fight over a dog in heat.  It happens.

So, yesterday before I got dressed, I let Puppy outside to potty, I got dressed really quick then came back to get him.  Wasnt there.  I noticed the dogs in the pasture across the way, I called them and all of them came but Puppy.  His bandage was hanging on the barbed wire fence.  Next thing I know Im hearing the dogs fighting.  Mind you Im in a skirt and work blouse, ready to leave for work, I ran inside and slid into Stephens shoes, they were the first ones I found.  I ran to the fence and climbed through the barbed wire.  By this time they werent fighting any more.  I noticed a Pit and a Shepherd and they were being a bit aggressive towards me.  My plan was to get to the female and carry her to the house I thought she belonged to, inform them she was in heat and causing problems.  I crossed into the other pasture and their horses started making their way to me.  Because of a past experience Im a bit afraid of horses now, so this freaked me out.  Im trying to watch my back and walk to the dogs.  Trying not to run like I really want to because they can sense fear and it might make them attack.  I secretly have a fear of being attacked by an animal while Im alone and dying that way.  I try not to venture in with the cows and such too often alone because of that.   Anywho, I get closer to the dogs and they start coming at me.  I tried to talk to them and calm them but quickly decided to retreat.  Ive never walked away from a dog in my life.  I’ve always continued the approach.  I tried calling Beaux, thinking I would feel more comfortable with him there to protect me.  He didnt want to come, I guess he had his fair share of these guys.  So I turned to walk, but I walked sideways, not wanting to turn my back to them.  Again, I wanted to run, but didnt want to show fear.  By now all the horses and donkeys have gathered around the gate I came in through and our cows and horse are on our side.  Great, I have these 2 big ass aggressive horny dogs behind me and a bunch of livestock in front of me, this is soooo not the way I wanted to go.  I wondered if anyone would figure out what actually happened if I had died.  So, I stayed as close to the fence as possible and made my way through the gate as quick as I could.  I darted off towards the gate of our pasture, didnt want to climb back through the fence.  By the time I got back to my house the group of dogs were in our yard.  The 2 big males were aggressive again.  So, I called the Sheriffs dept.

Stupid Texas and their no leash law.  On one hand though, Im glad, I wouldnt have the heart to keep my dogs chained up.  Anywho, I called into work, needed to take care of Puppy and needed to get these 2 dogs dealt with.  We have had problems with them before, there used to be 3 of them and they totally mutiliated my sisters Boxer and killed him.  The neighbor shot my sisters dogs because some dogs were tearing up her livestock and such and she assumed they were ours.  Anywho, my sister and mom were planning to run errands that day so I offered to keep my nephew.  I finally got all the dogs in the house about an hour later and about a half our later the deputy showed up.  I asked him to let the lady know her dog was in heat and he said he would do that as well as try to talk to some other neighbors to figure out who the dogs belonged to.

I enjoyed spending time with Justin all day yesterday.  We played, went to Wal-Mart, McDonalds, baked halloween cookies and cupcakes.  It was fun.  But, I didnt get anything done that I had planned to get done.  Organize my sisters shower, finish my curtains, straighten up the house.  Oh well I guess.

So Puppy is locked inside, I let the others back out.  He seems to be doing fine, We keep the wound covered and medicated.  I dont want him to get outside and it get infected.  I dont want to have to bury another one.

Now, I have to work late this week, try to get in early to make up the hours Ive lost.  Plus, Im leaving early Friday for the ballgame.  We are soooooo screwed up financially.  Spent lots of money we shouldnt have this weekend, as usual.  Our first house payment will be late.  Got a stack of bills sitting at home, checks written out, everything is going to be late this month, we dont have the funds to cover the checks.  Hopefully my check will be decent enough that I can send them all out and we can get by.  I doubt it though.  Ugh!!!!!!!  I hope that by this time next month I will have a handle on everything.  Moving really screwed up my system.

Ok, enough rambling.  Oh yeah, there are talks of us having a halloween party at our house.  Busy month for us.  We wanted to have a house warming party type thing, minus the gifts so a halloween party might be a great way to show off the house.  We shall see.



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September 26, 2007

I would start saving for a fence….

September 26, 2007

Yay for a Halloween party. That should cover the housewarming party minus gifts. Just make it a costume party..that should be awesome. I’m sorry about your pup. Hope the sheriff/community does something about it. Those days could be really dangerous.