Now what……

pregnancy calendar

Well, I had a rough night last night, or this morning I mean.  At about 1 this morning my bladder woke me up, naturally.  I’ve gotten to where I wake up 2 or 3 times a night, usually around the same times.  If I go to bed early I’m up around 10ish, then 1, then 3ish.  Anyways, so I went to the restroom.  Its dark, I’m half asleep, but we have a little led night light in there, so there is some light.  I wipe and notice the paper is dark.  I jump up, say oh no, then turn on the light.  Yep, its blood.  I get a fresh piece, wipe again, more blood.  I call Stephens name but he is dead asleep.  I walk into the bedroom, wake him up and show him, but he is only half awake.  I go back to the bathroom, wipe some more and its pretty much gone.  Crawl back in bed, cry and pray for about a half hour.  Praying that I’m not loosing the baby and if I am that Stephen and I both find peace in it and carry on pretty easily.  I cant fall back asleep so I turn on the TV, watch it for about a half hour or so.  Around 2:15 I go back to the bathroom. Nothing.  So I convince myself to fall back to sleep.  At a quarter to 3 Stephens alarm started going off, while he was up getting dressed I asked if he remembered me waking him up and he said yes, he remembered me showing him the blood.  Neither one of us have said anything about it since then.  I don’t know if its just that we are both afraid or what.

Did I tell you that I spotted a few days ago?  I went to the restroom about a week ago, had one little bit of light pink, so faint you could barely see it.  Later that night went home and had a bit of brown old blood like discharge, about the size of a dime.  Nothing until Sunday.  I had a little bit of that old blood discharge again, but not as much as the first time.  Then yesterday morning I got up and went to the restroom and the same thing happened with the light pink.  But that was it…….until this morning.  Right now when I go to the restroom it’s a very faint bit of what looks like old blood.

Yesterday Stephen asked me to look into the spotting, just to make sure everything was alright.  I assured him it was nothing but I looked into it anyways.  I was right, it was most more than likely nothing.  Could be from old lining that never completely shed itself with a previous period, could be a yeast infection, could be several different things.  I also read that if you have an ultra sound at 7-11 weeks and see a healthy heart beat then the chances of continuing the pregnancy are greater than 90%.  We had a healthy heart beat at nearly 8 weeks.

So I really don’t know what’s going on at this point.  It could be anything.  Not having insurance right now really sucks.  I cant get in to see a doc to see what’s going on.  Rachel is supposed to be doing another ultra sound for us this week.  This was supposed to be the one that we got the pictures for to show the families.  This really sucks.  I took another pregnancy test last week, just because, and I was sure the positive sign wasn’t as dark as it was before, Stephen said it was and everything was fine.  But what if its not. 

I cant help but wonder……

Did Saturday night do something?

Did we tell too many people too soon?

Did I get too excited too soon?

Was I too negative? 

I shouldn’t have bought paint this weekend, I shouldn’t have accepted that gift from Stephens patient, I shouldn’t have gotten pregnant without proper prenatal care.

So many things running through my head right now.

Honestly, it could be anything, I could still have a healthy baby growing inside of me, but what if I don’t? 

I’m a failure.  I failed this baby.  I failed our families.  I failed my husband.

I really hope its nothing…..I really do.

Maybe God wanted to show us that we can do it but He knows were not ready yet.  What a cruel cruel joke.  What an evil way to tease someone.

pregnancy calendar



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December 18, 2007

You’re not a failure. I know it sounds impossible, but try not to get stressed out about it. It won’t help the situation. Hopefully you’ll see that healthy heartbeat again at your next ultrasound. I’m praying for you and your little one!

December 18, 2007

*random noter* It’s not your fault if anything goes wrong, nothing you did made this happen. Sometimes these things just happen. Is there any kind of free clinic or something you can go to? Hope it all works out! 🙂

December 18, 2007

I am sure everything is fine. Just try to stay positive. You have made it this far…I am sure things are fine. If anything…maybe go to the dr. anyway and just pay so at least you will know things are okay! It might cost ya…but at least you know that yor baby is safe and well!

December 18, 2007

I’m sure everything is fine, try to relax and also try not to have intercourse for a while. I spotted a tiny bit at 8 weeks ( about the size of a small booger) and the DR said to relax and avoid intercourse for a few days. We had an ultrasound done and everything was ok..

December 18, 2007

If you go to the ER they’ll prolly do an ultrasound. That should help put your mind at ease. Good luck!

December 18, 2007

Saw you in the P&C circle-wanted to tell you not to worry. I spotted for about two weeks (from week 4-6) and just had my 8 week u/s last week-everything is fine. The little ones are resilient-chances are good that the baby is just fine. =] I know it’s much easier to say than do, but try and relax-my doctor told me not to worry unless it was as heavy as a period. My spotting wasn’teven heavy enough to wear a pad at all, so try not to freak out! I know it’s hard-I’ve been there. But I spotted and my peanut is just perfect!

December 18, 2007

Of course, I don’t have children so I wouldn’t know but I’ve read it’s natural for slight bleeding when a woman first gets pregnant. It’s really nothing to worry about. You need to go check it out if you can. I will pray for you. *hugs*

I do believe that you were just spotting, but I know its scary to see blood when you can’t just go to a doc to ask questions and get assurance. i wish i could do something about it for you. but please try to stay positive. i’ll pray for you, really. i hope everything is all right.

December 19, 2007

Ok. You are not a failure. This baby will be fine. If you were going to miscarry you would have done so by now. When I was pregnant I spotted sometimes heavy through the 12th week. I went to the ER every time and they practically laughed me out of there. It is just old blood. Nothing to be worried about. I promise.