Stayin Positive

pregnancy calendar

I want to thank everyone for their kind notes and words of encouragement.

I am feeling better now and more positive about things.  At the time though that was different, I wasnt sure what to think.

As I told Stephen last night, I am going to believe that this baby is just fine and dandy until proven otherwise.

I know that it is normal to spot, even bleed during pregnancy, that it does not always mean something serious is going on.

I also know that if I were miscarrying things would be alot more noticeable, ESPECIALLY at this point in the pregnancy. 

Im not experiencing major cramps, heavy bleeding or passing any sort of tissue.  Until those things happen then I know this baby is fine.

Again, I want to say thanks…..I am in a much better place today than I was yesterday. 

As far as medical attention goes, my insurance kicks in on the 1st, which is only 2 weeks away.  Rachel is supposed to be doing an ultra sound for us tomorrow.  So by the end of the week we will know for sure how things are going thus far.

In other news, Stephen passed his course, YAY!  Hes got to do a few rotations and such, take another test, blah blah blah…..then his certification will be upgraded.  Next step, Paramedic, when the time comes.  I feel guilty about saying no right now……but I honestly feel like its best.

My sister still hasnt acknowledged me.  She has an attitude about her, as if its my fault I kicked her out, Im the bad guy and Im the one to be mad at.  Im not even going to worry about it any more……she did what she did, she knew better and could have prevented it, she screwed up, not me.

Shes got another thing comin if she doesnt plan on paying me what she owes me!!

I warned her to take care of her animals.  She has left her dogs and her cats at our house.  Well, she took one cat with her.  I caught one of the others and took it to her last night but that cat will probably end up back at my house anyways.  I told her husband they needed to come get their dogs and take care of them, or I will tie them up and let them starve.  Now, we all know I really wont do that.  But, I am tired of having to fight with them about staying out of my dogs bowls and letting my dogs eat their food.  My dogs are tied up and cant move onto a new bowl if another dog takes theirs…..on top of all that, Im tired of footing the bill for her animals.  She has 3 cats, we have one and we buy all the food and litter.  I have 3 dogs, she has 7, again, I buy all the food.  Tired of that.  My dogs are my responsibility and thats it……Im not responsible for hers.

So, the reason our dogs are tied up.  Her 2 pits mauled one of our cows.  Tore off her ears, bit off her jaw, scratched her etc etc.  One of our dogs and one more of my sisters was also involved, but I honestly think they were just there because thats where the excitement was, not to be brutal like the pits.  There is NO WAY my little dog did all that.  No way.  So, Stephen and I went out and bought the meds for the cow and we tied our dogs up so they cant get blamed for anything any more.  My sister tied her female pit up, until she broke loose.  The harness for the male was too small and they never even bothered to go buy a new one for him, so they left him loose.  Which means now all of her dogs are loose again.  At least Stephen and I are being responsible.  It breaks my heart to have my dogs tied up, they prefer being free, I prefer them free, but thats the way it has to be, until my sister gets rid of those damn dogs.  Stephen and I are hoping they go out and do it again, make the same mistake twice, this way they have no choice.  Dad might even end up shooting them.  They had fair warning to take care of the dogs and didnt.  What if it were someone elses cow?  Theyd be in a whole heap load of shit.  Of course we dont want the cow harmed any more than she already has been, but honestly, its just a matter of time.  Like my mom told my sister, they started off with the chickens, then my goat, now the cow, next could be my nephew.  They’ve tasted blood, theyve had the thrill of the chase…….its time for them to go.

I guess thats all.  I gotta go get some more work done.

Thanks AGAIN for the notes!

pregnancy calendar


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December 19, 2007

You should take the dogs to the animal shelter if nothing else gets done or tell your sister to do it. Then again, it shouldn’t be your responsibility. I know they’ve done AWFUL things to your cow and the other animals. Good luck with the whole ordeal. Hope you feel better soon!

December 19, 2007

Will your insurance cover your pregnancy? I know most insurances consider pregnancy as a pre-existing condition.

December 19, 2007

That is nuts! You are so right. Everything with the baby is probably fine! It doesn’t sound like anything bad to me. Congrats to him on passing! Yea…I agree with one of the noters…it they don’t come get them take them to the shelter.

December 20, 2007

Sweety u sister is in the wrong and she is not going to admit that.As far as the animals go u should not be taking care of them.Its her responsiblity and if she does not want that then they need to go to the shelter where they will be taken care of till they can be adopted out.I think u taking them is u best bet cuz i dont see her doing anything but what she feels like doing.

December 23, 2007

You need to take your sisters dogs to the pound. If she cannot afford to take care of her family then she cannot afford to properly take care of pets. Oh by the way Merry Xmas.