When did that happen???


Im just over 5 weeks away from my third trimester??  Umm hello….when the hell did that happen??  Seems like just yesterday I was looking at the wrong side of the stick thinking my period was on its way.  I cant believe I’m already just over half way done with this.  Thats amazing.  Brooke will be here in the blink of an eye.

Last night we got a new toy.  Stephens aunt sent us lots of baby goodies.  One being the Bebe Sounds Prenatal Gift Set.  Which allows us to listen to Brooke, talk to Brooke, record her sounds, record my own heart beat for her later, and play her music.  It comes with 2 sets of headphones so we can both listen at the same time, we tried last night but no such luck.  Maybe it was just the way she was positioned.  Im anxious to hear something, mostly I just wanna hear how cute the hiccup sounds. 

Oh, she is going to have sooooo much damn hair, if what they say is right about heartburn.  I have told Stephen I cant wait for him to learn how to braid etc, to see him fixing her hair for her.  He says he will only do ponytails.  Hehehe, we shall see.

Im ready for her to be here already, mostly because Im ready to be done with being pregnant.  IF I ever get pregnant again, I hope the next baby is nicer to me.  Hehehe.

Nothing much else to say.

Passed trail riders this morning.  Id love to ride a trail ride at least once.  I love this time of year, its a really big deal, the trail riders riding into downtown from all directions.  Tomorrow morning Justin and I are going to the parade.  We are riding the train into downtown, catching the parade, riding back out to the park, picnic in the park, then off to visit with dad for a little while.  Im looking forward to it.  Justin and I havent spent alone time together in a LONG time.  I really do miss him.

Ok, well, good golf, good tennis or whatever makes you happy!


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March 1, 2008

I love to see trail riders. Our stockshow starts up this coming week. I’m excited. It’s a great time of year. I love March, not only because I was born in this month but because everything exciting goes on. Enjoy your weekend. By the way, that’s such a neat gift set. I do hope you get to hear Brooke’s hiccups. Haha…soooo cute!