august 09.

current book:
wicked by gregory maguire (confession, i haven’t touched this in over a week. it SUCKS)
just finished bergdorf blondes by plum sykes
now i’m on the tenth circle by jodi picoult

current music:
natasha bedingfield’s version of ray of light
i haven’t been very big on music lately.

current shame-inducing guilty pleasure:
i don’t really know. nothing shameful lately i guess!

current colors:
purple & grey

current obsessions:
-getting my house sold
-charlotte mommies
-purple everything

current drink:
bud light. white zin. sun tea.

current favorite picture:

current movie:
i love you, man

current wish-list:
-someone to buy my house!!!
-to be moved back to buffalo before the year is over
-books (i only have FOUR left on my TBR list, what am i gonna doooo)
-something vera in purple punch
-gift cards for the gap and ny&co for my b-day so i can SHOP

(this…has not changed at all since last month. but there’s more to add…)

-grey nail polish (i know, sounds weird, right? well grey is "the" nail color for fall 09. so is bright orange, but no thanks)
-a WTJ!
-to lose these last 4 pounds, and maybe a little more!

current needs:
-my house to sell. for my sanity.
-some new clothes
-to catch up on my scrapbooking
-new flip flops

current triumph(s):
-being 4 pounds away from my DREAM weight!
-surviving the showings (barely)
-fitting in clothes i haven’t warn in 4-6 years!

current bane(s) of my existence:
-showings. ugh!
-having ZERO money

current celebrity crush:
jason thompson 4E

current indulgence:
nothing really

current #1 blessing(s):
lukas james
husband james
odin james
charlotte mommies
weight watchers
the friends i’ve made recently (namely jessica & kelley)

current outfit:
my favs lately have been old/new kahkis with black tops, and form fitting jeans with preppy tops.
all paired with this tiffany knock off necklace my mom got me, that looks so obviously fake but still preps up my outfits.

current excitement:
my mom & mal get here in 3 days!
produce co-op pick up in 5 days!
date night in 5 days!
birthday celebration in 6 days!
birthday in 8 days!

current mood:
pretty stressed lately, but feeling pretty good about myself in general.

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i have grey nail polish. i loves it. its almost gone though, boooo.

great entry and awww those pics are beautiful