4:00 am CST

Four hours to go.  Four four four four four four four four four four fouuurrrrrrr!

I’m so excited!  It is almost time for me to sleep.  4 hours is just … umm … 8 posts!  Only 8 more stinking posts!

I’m going to do the raffling after I wake up today.  I only plan to sleep until noon or 1.  That way, I’ll be tired when it’s normal bedtime tomorrow night.

Brett has been a real trooper.  He’s been up with me all night.  Also, I want to especially thank B. Randon, who not only sponsored me almost as soon as I started incessantly posting about the ‘thon on Facebook, but came here and left me comments through the majority of the ‘thon.  This is why, when I rule the world, B. Randon will have a room in the castle and not a cell in the dungeon.

Definitely feeling better.  I need to make sure that I get up and move around more.  Just sitting here is killing me.











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August 1, 2010

woohoo! on the home stretch! 🙂

August 1, 2010

I am all alone……..I shall go wake the shirtless Eric.

August 1, 2010

Ryn: The drive thru is 24 hours. However the one by my house is picky. This late they will shut all the good stuff down. Bastards.

August 1, 2010

ryn: really? I know I said worse only a few entries ago.

August 1, 2010

ryn: It was only one entry back, ‘i want to vomit with power’ …i swore in that.

August 5, 2010

I hope I’m not in the dungeons. *shudders*