2013 Survey!


[1] What did you do in 2013 that you have never done before? Flew in a helicopter.

[2] Did you keep all of last years resolutions? no

[3] Have you any resolutions for next year? clean my house, get me a used car

[4] Did anyone close to you give birth? no

[5] Did anyone close to you die? no

6] What places did you visit?Tenessee

[7] What would you like to have in 2014 that you didn’t have in 2013?  Clean my house,afford a car, spend birthday with my new boyfriend Talan,be a bridesmaid at my best friend Amanda Dawns Wedding

[8] What dates in 2013 will remain etched in your memory and why? My car totaled… etched in my memory because it terrified me

[9] What was your biggest achievement of the year? Graduating from college…:)

[10] What was your biggest failure? totaling my car

[11] Did you suffer any illness or injury? Ulcer,heartbreak

[12] What was the best thing you bought? my computer

[13] Whose behaviour merited celebration? My friend is engaged to be married. Mandy and I celebrated!

[14] Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed? Alex my ex dumped me after ask to marry me..

[15] Where did most of your money go? bills,gas,food

[16] What did you get really really really excited about? When my boyfriend Talan agreed we could date when I asked him out…

[17] What songs will always remind you of 2013? Pink True Love

[18] Compared to this time last year are you :

a)Fatter or thinner? thinner

b) Happier or sadder? both

c) Richer or poorer? Poorer

[19] What do you wish you’d done more of? sex, celebration,fishing,partying,traveling,more money

[20] What do you wish you’d done less of? crying

21] How will you be spending Christmas? Talan and I spent it with my family. I am hoping next year we can see his family as well.

[22] Which OD users did you meet for the first time? never met any of them except the people i suggested opendiary to..

[23] Did you fall in love in 2013? twice almost 3 times

[24] How many one night stands? none

[25] What was your favourite TV program? Charmed

[26] Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? several

[27] What was/were the best books you read? Gallows Hill Harry Potter

[28] What was your greatest musical discovery? Lindsey Stirling

29] What did you want and get? my college diploma

  [30] What did you want and not get? total car

 [31] What was your favourite film this year? Shallow Hal

  [32] What did you do on your birthday and how old were you? I was 26 and I was ignored on my birthday I had to beg to even get a cake

  [33] What one thing made your year more satisfying than 2013? Talan

 [34] How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013? I wear what I want.

. [35] What kept you sane? opendiary [36] Which celebrity did you fancy the most? Mr. Johnny Depp as always

[37] Which political issue stirred you the most? Obama Care

[38] Who did you miss? college

[39] Who was the best new person you met? Crystal a cashier who worked with me.

[40] Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year? Dont depend on others!












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January 6, 2014

It’s always interesting to read your answers!