kool-aid & in-laws

I met his parents.  well, his dad and step mom.  They’re everything I ever wanted in in-laws.  They’re funny and nice and silly and goofy and helpful… It’s like I met them and I wanted to be a part of their family.  Is that crazy?  I’ve never had that before.   i’ve met plenty of boyfriends parents and friends parents, and they’re all been mostly nice and sometimes funny or helpful or good listeners or whatever.   but when I was around them, I was surrounded by this .. something.  It’s like I was in this room filled with love and friendship and just a hint of sarcasm and it’s the only place I ever wanted to be.   I felt oddly comfortable and I genuinely didn’t want them to leave.. Which is weird considering I never felt anything like that from my family even… It’s like they’re a cult and sucking me in.


 I get why he’s having a hard time.. it’d be hard to leave them.
I hope he doesn’t go.  Or if he does I hope we can go with.  I can’t, but god how I want to now.  I freaking hated Iowa, but if I knew i’d have that kind of family I guess that would make it pretty fantastic.    

As a person who genuinely hated in-laws before,  I guess I can’t believe the words as I’m writing them.  They don’t feel like mine.  



I hope they liked me.
















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