



 I have an interview on wednesday for a boys home.  I’m really excited.  They’re non-profit, which means a little paycheck, but I think the work will be rewarding.  plus, a little paycheck is better than not having a paycheck, right?  There’s apparently two different payscales, which isn’t what I’m used to.  If i’m working in the afternoon or evening with the boys, they pay 8 something an hour, and if I work overnights, which i’m personally hoping for, they pay minimum.  Why i’m hoping for overnights, the lower paying of the options, is because i don’t actually have to be awake or actually even do anything.    She said I could sleep or do homework or whatever… I just have to sit at the front desk and do room checks every once in a while.    If i have overnights, chris can watch the kids while they sleep, and I could be napping at work while getting paid.  I would only be away from the kids while they’re sleeping, and I wouldn’t be so sleep deprived like I was while working at walmart.   and! best part!  it’s only like 5 minutes away from home.  If i do end up working days, the state would pay for the daycare.   I’ve applied at numerous places around the area, some restaraunts, some medical secretary positions, a daycare or two, and some department stores, but this is the one I wanted the most because i personally feel it would help me in the long run for my career.   And with them being as flexible with scheduling as they seem to be, I really couldn’t ask for better.    

Would i be nervous about working with troubled youth?  In a way, yes.  I know some can get aggressive, but I don’t feel like it’s anything I couldn’t handle.  I’m not overly worried about my safety or anything like that.  it’s basically an adult foster care program (adult meaning teenage boys in this case) and they will be up to 21 years old

Chris is also on the hunt for a new job.. Culvers basically will only give him less than 10 hours a week, and it’s obviously simply not cutting it.  He’s looking for a delivery job, because he adored his last one.. Which is fine with me.  Tips would be great to make it through to the paychecks at the very least.  


 Little G is everywhere.  He’s crawling everywhere and pulling himself up and saying a few words (nonononononono!, mama, dada, nana) and he’s laughing a lot and being an adorable baby.  Lilly is being cute and using her words very well.  I’m looking into trying to find a preschool for her – not a daycare, but an actual preschool.  I feel like she’s ready for it, but in the area i’m not seeing much for free options for preschools, which is common in more urban areas.  

Chris and I have been doing much better this week.  We’re starting to actually act like a couple again,which is just a wonderful change.  We haven’t had sex yet, but maybe we’ll get there soon.  Maybe.  this morning was rough, but he seemed to snap out of it after i loved up on him a bit.  I find it odd that that seems to put him in a better mood.  If anything it normally puts me in a worse mood.  BUT i also dislike being touched normally.  SO, you know. 






 tralalalalalala putting off homework.  Finals week is coming up.  Next week is our 2nd to last week of classes.  I’m singing at a nursing home on thursday, and then my choir concert that night, and then the solos are next thursday… And then i think that will be it for my singing classes.  It’s crazy to think it’s been a year since my last summer break already.  

and i’m taking summer classes this semester.  






 blegh. i suppose i should actually do homework, eh?  



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April 29, 2013

Boy, you’re balancing quite a load! Good luck with the boys home!