There is hope | There is no hope | There is hope

Canal (i think it is) has released David Lynch’s Elephant Man in Blu-Ray. Hopefully this means that eventually Mulholland Dr. will get the high-def treatment.

Michael Giacchino’s wonderful soundtrack to Disney/Pixar’s Up is only available via digital download. Amazon list it in 256k which is decent, however the quandary is as a traditionalist, like many, I appreciate packaging, sleeve/liner notes and booklets, and a full 44.1k uncompressed edition, but refusing to purchase the soundtrack via download means… no soundtrack. I know there are alternatives, but I want to pay for it. Perhaps I’ll audition the most tender piano tracks and just purchase them.

For years and years I’ve kept myself from engaging in public discussion of any kind, meaning forums and comments sections for articles etc. I often read such forums to glean something useful from the endless supply of meaningless drivel that so readily spews from people’s mouths (read: fingers), but generally in the past I have found people of all ages and demographics as lacking in the ability of politely and intelligently disagreeing. Much to my surprise, I’ve found a very small community of commenters that I’m beginning to appreciate. I’m new to the site’s society and have only been making comments for three weeks, but so far the people are engaging and intelligent, even when they disagree. Encouraging behaviour indeed. There are the odd occasions when juvenile behaviour rears its ugly head, but often these aren’t even shut-down, they’re just ignored which is great. So far it’s been rare and I’m hoping that in the long-term it’ll stay that way.

I have no inherent need for any sense of community, particularly online, but it is still nice to sit down and have tea and biscuits with civilised people once in a while, so to speak. Should it decay into the depths of human stupidity as often communities do, I will silently withdraw without any sense of loss. After-all, when it comes to mature, intelligent discourse, that’s what real-life actual friends are for.

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