אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl Pg 23

As we learn and prepare ourselves for Pesach I am filled with all the memories I have, of when I was a child living in my Parent’s house with my sisters and how we would spend 1st and 2nd night of Pesach at Shul and either end it off with a Pesach Seder at our house or a family friends.

I can smell and see all the tables laden with the different dishes. I see my Abba hiding the Afikoman under the table-cloth; where he would be sitting at the head of the table. As a child this was pretty much the only time you would see me eat soup…Chicken Soup with Kneidel Balls and pieces of Matzah was a must every Pesach.

This year I will be celebrating Pesach Seder at my Shul, but I look forward to the time when I will have my very own Pesach Seder in my home.

See the source image

So in tonight’s lesson I learnt that at the Model Pesach Seder, that my class will be having next week Tuesday, we are to arrange it. This is news to me, but I am ready to charge ahead and prepare it all. Of course I am not planning on cooking anything, but instead ordering dishes and then transferring them to my fancy serving dishes…I hope the Shul isn’t Kosher.

See the source image  See the source image

See the source image

But since I do not know what I have to do, I will wait for Thursday’s class; when we will discuss it.

Even though I am not actually Jewish, yet, this year I plan on celebrating Pesach, beyond just the Seder at the shul. The other day when I was at the shop, I bought a few boxes of Matzah. I plan on cleaning out my kitchen and whole house of all chametz, and will give it all to my mother-in-law to take home with her, as she will be leaving just before Pesach actually starts; next week Friday; the 15th of April 2022.

Tonight the Rabbi taught us how on the eve of Pesach one would hide a few food items with Chametz

See the source image and on the morning of Pesach, with a Wooden Spoon, Feather and Candle, you would search for it all, at least those that were not involved in the hiding of it, you would then pile it all together and burn all the chametz that had been found. Of course, like with everything in Judaism there is a blessing to be recited after the burning of the Chametz.

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April 5, 2022

What is the last food picture of…the one with the blue and white background wall?

April 6, 2022
