אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl Pg 30

I started off feeling very alone, when I started   Stay Holy Okay. I would see other students’ partners sitting with them and I would feel the emptiness of doing this on my own. I am not going to lie and say that going to the Model Pesach Seder on my own wasn’t great; not having to worry about making sure my partner was occupied and comfortable and felt at ease amongst a group of people he didn’t know and in a foreign setting, but it would have been nice to know that the man I chose to stand by for life would be doing this with me.

Today while we were driving to work he asked me how long my course was going to be….I told him that it should be completed by early next year…why I asked? His reply was that he just wanted to know as he wanted to get more involved with me while I was studying. He wanted to take part.

GeT wEt

While I was driving he proudly recited the words that he had come to know…

Christians United

Christians United  (well the other name for Hashem) – didn’t want to break his spirit and tell him that he should only refer to Hashem with that word when praying or speaking scripture.

Today classes resume and I don’t feel like I have done enough to feel prepared for the next chapter of Jewish Studies. I know we will be learning more about Husein Script and Husein Scriptthis week.


Husein Script is actually tomorrow. It is interesting that the day Jews around the world remember the fallen soldiers and souls of those that were persecuted during The Holocaust and still today, and all those that fought for the Freedom of Jews and the many others that suffered then and now is the exact same day as Freedom Day in South Africa. (Well day after)

Yom Hashoah for the year 2022 is celebrated/ observed on sundown of Wednesday, April 27th ending at sundown on Thursday, April 28. Yom Hashoah also called Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorates the lives of the Jewish people who died in the Holocaust of World War 2. This day is remembered in the Hebrew calendar on 27th day of Nisan.

Husein Script

Freedom Day is celebrated annually on the 27th of April in honour of the auspicious day in 1994 when the first non-racial election was held in the country. South Africa celebrates Freedom Day to mark the liberation of our country and its people from 300 years of colonialism, White minority domination, politically enforced prejudice and Apartheid.

Husein Script

May 4-5, 2022. Yom Haatzmaut is Israeli Independence Day, a day of great celebration held every year in late April or early May – on the day (in the Hebrew calendar) which, in 1948, Israel declared its independence.

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April 27, 2022

Even though my family is not Jewish,  we used to have a sedar. I like the symbolism. My niece ate a spoonful of horseradish when she was 2 at the sedar. Lol. She said mmmm. Yum. As tears rolled out of her eyes. 😂

April 28, 2022

I feel bad for laughing at your niece. Kids can so darn cute! 😂