אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl Pg 68

Every week I will be joining into a Torah Study with my Rabbi and others. Downloaded an App for my phone to keep me up to date on the readings and discussions. This week we are not meeting, and I need to do some catching up…but I look forward to getting closer to Hashem and to learning more about the Torah and Readings.

Dream Glory

On this day, Ezekiel prophesied that Egypt would be destroyed, as punishment for failing to keep their repeated promises to assist the Israelites.

So says the L-rd G-d: Behold I am upon your, O Pharaoh, king of Egypt, the great serpent that crouches in the midst of its rivers, who said, “My river is mine, and I made myself.” I will put hooks in your jaws and will cause the fish of your rivers to cleave to your scales; and I will drag you out from your rivers…I will scatter you in the desert, you and all the fish of your rivers…to the beasts of the earth and the birds of the heaven I have given you to be devoured. – Ezekiel 29:3-5


After reading this I ask myself why Hashem lets the people of my country continue to be ruled by a government that fails to protect them and keep their promises they have made to us. I am not religious person and will never hold Hashem accountable to man’s failures and the state that we put ourselves in daily, but Hashem helped the Israelites escape Egyupt when it was failing to keep to its promises and when it continued to keep the Israelites at its mercy; why won’t Hashem do the same for South Africans and the brutal betrayal we face from the ANC regularly, and while he is at it why won’t he help all the other nations that are being lead poorly and are being mistreated by their rulers?

Dream Story

You have to being with the knowledge that there is nothing perfect in this world.

Our job is not to hunt down perfection and live within it.

It is to take whatever broken pieces we have stumbled across and sew them together to create a beauty out of a bitter world.


Wow! When I look at myself, I think how easy it is for someone else to rather fix things and for me to just enjoy the perfect result. Guess you can call me lazy…me not wanting to put in the hard work to make it right, but after reading today’s thought I have come to realize that Hashem put me on earth for a reason…and after my accident I came to terms that I was still alive because I had not reached the full potential that Hashem wanted me to. 18 years later and I still haven’t reached that, and in true honesty I haven’t really tried. Kinda got lost along the way and forgot about my mission.

So, I think it is a good time for me to get back on track…well I kinda did last year when I decided to convert and soon my conversion will come to competition but hopefully, I will still pursue my mission in fulfilling Hashem’s true desires for me.


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