Me!! Day 3: Seven Things That Annoy Me!

Attack Graffiti I don’t know if this is internationally common but the snorting sound that some people make when they rub their ear.

Cannot even find a ‘YouTube’ video of this.

MAWNS' Graffiti People that always have to better you. Whatever has happened to you, they have had it worse or better.

BOOMSTER Graffiti People who think that know is all. (I suppose that could kinda go along with #2, but I am finding it really hard to find things that annoy me so much that they make a top 8. I mean I do get irritated at things)

Rough GraffitiMeet the Number One Taxi Driver in South Africa! | Road Safety & Arrive  Alive Blog  South African Taxi Drivers.

  • They are always cutting in
  • Stopping in the middle of the road to pick up people.
  • Risking lives (You are always hearing of overcrowded taxis getting into accidents and all the lives that were lost. Often it is children)
  • They hoot as soon as the Traffic Light turns Green.
  • They are jumping Red Traffic Lights

Basically, when you are driving on the roads in South Africa you have to be prepared for whatever a taxi is gonna do to obstruct traffic and you. Just a few weeks ago my 11-month-old car was hit by taxi because it tried to overtake a car making a U-turn and so it knocked into me, and I was in the other lane.

Rough Graffiti OOh… my colleagues and I have kinda made the assumption that ‘White’ people don’t get cold. So, whenever the boss is in the office, he turns up the Aircon and we freeze. It could be misty and cold outside, but he will put on the aircon and even if I have it on heater mode because some of us are cold, and since our office used to be a warehouse and there is no insulation in it, we are even more cold he will just turn up the aircon.

And it irritates me because some of us coming into the office every weekday and he will come in like once or twice a week and will come in for maybe 4 hours of the day.

Wushand Graffiti Children that talk as if they are the adults in the relationship!

Berlin Graffiti When someone asks you a question and you give them the answer, but they still go on to tell you that you are wrong and that they know better.


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February 23, 2023

ooh, I have some of the same annoyances…not taxi drivers, we have nil where I live.  LOL

February 24, 2023

That is so not fair that you doing have taxi drivers. When I was in High School I took a taxi home from school and I guess the whole danger of riding a taxi was fun. But now that I am adult taxis are just mobile coffins. 😏