
This past weekend has been Koda135759

Had my husband’s cousin/brother’s son stay with us. Now I love all kids and always have patience and time for them, but for this kid I just feel exasperated just after saying ‘hello’….

I took him to Spur for lunch and when he talks he whispers, well he talks so soft that it seems like he is whispering reminds me of Brick from See the source image

So between an Midtown Roman Schoolhouse Medium  and !The Black Bloc I knew I had to get out the flat.

And so off I drove to to collect an order I placed on some kitchen stuff,  and then I went off to the See the source image to shop for the week ahead. I decided to browse the shopping center, as going home was not really enticing and being in the mix of the crowd was wonderful.

I started off with See the source image; figured it would be nice to see what new books were out since I love to read and sometimes I just need to be around books.

I walked in there and my heart just exploded with all the books around me and I just wanted to curl up in a corner and grab a book, like I used to do when I was a kid. When I was about 5-9 whenever I used to come to the Waterfront with my parents for dinner, after eating I would excuse myself, slip into the See the source image and grab a kids book like…

Image result for where's wally books  See the source image Image result for Kids Books Image result for Great 90's Kids Books and just get lost in the make belief world. Well anyway so when I was in my 20’s I worked at See the source image and it was wonderful because as an employee  I could take a book home for about a week,  read it give a quick review  and then just slip it back on the shelf. My section was the Fiction area and sometimes I would review a Cookbook too. Anyway I stopped working there as I needed to earn more than what a retail job offered me, so I created a book budget or about like 2 books a month, and then  Covid hit so going around in pubic was not possible so I went digital with the Kindle, and never really found the need to go into See the source image.


….Anyway being in the mix of books and feeling them just put a smile on my face. Nearly bought a new fiction, but then saw the price and figured that going Digital was not just environmentally savvy (think of all the trees I saved with Kindle Books), it was financially savvy too.

 Take this book. On Kindle it is $11.99 = R 207.67 Hard Copy is 338.00 = $ 19.51 Now this is a book I would rather have in Hard Copy, but think I will just stick with getting Fiction books on Kindle…


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