Week 1: Day 5 – 7 of 90

So I listened to my body the past 3 days and haven’t gone to gym. I have been relaxing and just living a lil.

My step counts have been 5000+ so that is good.

This morning I put on a dress that I bough last year and used to wear as a top with a belt and leggings and today I wore as a dress…my husband even told me that it looked like a blanket on me and said that I shouldn’t wear it, but I think he was just being jealous. I think I looked good…or maybe it just felt good to be wearing it.

Cutebold 92.1 kg

Okay so I have been eating rather bad the last few days! Aunty Flo came to visit a few days ago! Aunty Flo visited last week as well…I hate having PCOS! Why can my body just not be normal? Okay what is normal since we are all human and different? But I guess I just wish my body didn’t make me have to work harder to be what it should be in the dietitian and medical professionals’ opinions.

Oh well! Tomorrow is a new week! So back to early morning gym sessions before work and eating healthy and getting that weight off!

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