Just a Little Rant Release

A Good Morrow To You?
Winter Is Coming……ahhhhh…….lol

But really it is…blarg.  It is not that I despise winter, I am just not use to it being this cool so early. Canada vs Deep South weather, well there’s a BIG difference!  Burrr 😱🥶

I have a few adjustments to make.  Taking my new life here in strides.

Job searching for about two months now. No interviews, call backs, or if they do respond, it’s a dumb excuse why not in my opinion. I’m a little unsure about what is going on.

People keep saying that everyone is in the same boat and I get that; my problem I feel is when I do apply for a job that I know I qualify for, and I either get no response or I get a response that says I don’t qualify, and then that job posts the same listing again a week later?  It’s a bit of a downer.

The big kicker I feel is when they say I don’t qualify due to lack of experience, but their job listing says no experience needed, will train…? Wtf 😑🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

Rant over….

I feel a bit stuck in the fact that I have been here in Canada about 8 months now and I cannot get settled in properly.  It was good timing on one hand and bad timing on another. Use this time for positive measures….sure I will, but the structure I am use to having, it’s lacking a bit. I’m use to working. I like working. It’s easier then having personal relationships.

I can only imagine what other people are going through. I in no means feel my problems are above another, but things aren’t always what they seem on the surface.  I always try to keep a smile in front of others despite the feelings on the inside.  It’s not fake smiles or feelings. I just feel there is already so much negativity, be proactive. I want to be a light in life. Of course it’s not always cookies and rainbows. Sometimes I just need to express these feelings, even in their silly nature. Look at it as a negative release. Even if it seems small, sometimes they can have the biggest impact.

Oh well, I will keep trucking forward. I have come too far to allow myself to fall backwards. Things will play out when they are ready.

Thank you for reading 🙂 An entry for getting  something off the chest.

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September 9, 2020

I love autumn and winter more than summer. “weird I know”

Your problems are your own and you feel them where others don’t, it’s no about “their problems or feelings out doing yours or vice versa, it’s about you turning that fake smile in to one that is meaningful.

You’re right it’s not always cookies and rainbows but neither does it rain on a cloudy day.

keep on trucking.



September 10, 2020

@vince2day It’s not weird:) fall is my favorite time of the year.