NoJoMo 1-10 LOL: Weight Loss

I’ve missed almost half of NoJoMo but I am determined to finish it out!

So last night I was going to write. I had it all planned. Go to the gym and work out with my friend Shalonda at around 7, come back and shower, then sit down and write an entry. Well, the gym date got pushed back later and later. It was closing in around 9 and she still wasn’t ready to go, so I told her I was going to bed. I went in the room and did a few quick ab things (100 sit ups & 50 knee raise thingies… that’s the technical term for them LOL). Then I passed out. So obviously my plan flew out of the window. So here I sit enjoying a cup of coffee and writing to you lovely ODers.

I started working out about August going to the gym consistently for about 2 weeks almost everyday with Shalonda and lost 5 lbs. Then I hit a wall. The wall being my dad’s work schedule changed to him having to go in at 6 am some days (his schedule changes from week to week) and he was going to bed early. Understandably so. Why did that affect me?  Well since I am staying with my parents until I can get on my feet and my dog Max barks when I’m leaving and when I come in, I can’t leave for the gym at night anymore. Shalonda is the one with the gym membership with a key to the gym and can have a guest with her for free. So I have to go when she goes, and she prefers nights when no one is there. Therefore syncing up with her on the days dad DOESN’T work mornings have proven to be quite difficult. SO after like a 2 week of getting off the workout track, I began getting up early to do YouTube workouts with my mom. We’ve also bought a few items from Walmart to do some circuit training. Mom already had a set of steps. So we bought a small yoga ball, ab roller, and kettle bell weight all for cheaps (praise God) to put together our own circuit.

I’ve also been using the app called Lose It. I’ve used it in the past, but I was not consistent with it. And I definitely did not bother to actually learn all of the features in the app, measure my food, pay attention to the nutritional values, etc. This time around I am actually using it consistently, correctly, and strictly. Man! What a difference it makes! My eating habits are completely different now. Now I didn’t eat badly in the first place. Was never a big sweets fan, didn’t snack much, and didn’t do sugary drinks/sodas. BUT you never really realize how many calories things really are until you pay attention. Some of the things that are healthy definitely have to be eaten in moderation. I’ve learned to pay attention to sodium and fat intake as well. Its really been a learning experience, and I DEFINITELY feel better. I discovered back in April that my body does not like gluten. Which was devastating because I LOVE bread/pastas just to have it betray me.  It seems like EVERYTHING has gluten in it.  Some meats have wheat fillers, especially the vegan substitutes. Goodies like cookies and cakes… gluten. Thankfully, there’s an abundance of gluten free options out in the market so it really hasn’t been too bad. But since I’ve cut gluten out, I feel 100% better. My joints don’t hurt because of the inflammation. I don’t get headaches everyday like I used to. And I don’t have a constant “rock in my stomach” feeling and nausea everyday either. All in all, these past several months have been awesome as far as my health.

As far as I know, I’ve lost at least 9 lbs (its been a couple of weeks since I’ve been able to weigh myself). 9 lbs was the last time I weighed myself so I’m willing to bet I’ve lost at least a pound if not more since then. I DEFINITELY see a difference in how my clothes are fitting. Last year I was wearing size 12 jeans and XL sweaters/shirts. Granted they fit baggy on me but still. Now I’m in 6/7 jeans and medium (some large because… you know… the “girls” haven’t shrunk THAT much lol) shirts!

I’ve been hitting up GOODWILL to replace my entire winter wardrobe. When we moved back in May, I threw out my entire winter wardrobe just to make packing easier and I figure I can buy some fall/winter things on sale leading up to the season change. Well I forgot I did that until I started looking for some long sleeve things LOL. GOODWILL to the rescue! And also my mom’s work friends! They are awesome. My mom works for a women’s abuse shelter and they get an OVERFLOW of clothes donations. So much so that they really don’t have room for it all. Guess who benefited from that? ME! Good thing too because my monthly budget has 0 wiggle room for shopping. Mom’s work friends have been on a mission looking for things my size. Half of my new, SMALLER IN SIZE, wardrobe has come from them. They sent me a nice new-to-me coat just yesterday as a matter of fact. The other half came from GOODWILL. Spent about $50 altogether in the past couple of months getting like 6 or more pairs of jeans, 3 sweaters and several long sleeve shirts. Jeans and sweaters alone are death to the wallet at regular prices, so I feel pretty good about spending $50 at GOODWILL lol. Despite my finances being tough for me, the Lord really has provided ways to for me to get everything I need and more.

Okay, I have rambled on quite a bit on this entry, so I’ll end it here. Love yall!

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November 10, 2018

Congrats on the weight loss success! You seem super motivated, and are good at still finding ways around working out obstacles.

November 11, 2018

@cherrywine_1 Thanks! It definitely isn’t from any strength of my own. A few rude awakenings kinda told me that I need to get my health together early before it starts declining.