Random ramblings that will rub someone wrong…

Let’s talk about depression and suicide. For years after sad shows or movies, talk shows, and commercials all you heard was “if you or anyone you know is considering harming yourself or others, please call a friend, family member, or the hotline.”

Sounds good, doesn’t it? I’m sure it does for a certain kind of person out there. A person that others want to fall over themselves to help. Just not me.

NO, I am not considering anything, I have accepted that the people around me could give a shit about me. I’ve made the “late night” calls. They went either unanswered or rudely hung up on. These “caring” people in your life…

I have learned that I am only the jester to my friends and family, the dancing monkey I like to call myself. From day one of all of this, they stepped away from me. Oh, I have heard from them, I have been made fun of on FaceBook for “over-sharing” and guilted because of my “attention whore, woe is me” made-up depression is inconveniencing others.

This all, reach out for help thing is awesome, for the pretty people. The people others admire or want to be around. Not me though.  You hear all the time after the “shocking” suicide death or overdose of a famous person, how there is always someone out there to help. BS… Not for some schlub like me. I appreciate the thought behind the “helplines”, but I don’t quite understand how taking everything you say that is making you feel shitty and turning it into questions like, “And how does that make you feel?” Hmm, well seeing I just called the hotline, crying my head off, you would think that’s obvious.

I realize that all of this sounds completely assinine and you’re probably correct. I guess I am the whiner they all say I am, so much so all these years that when the “worse” happened no one cared.

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October 1, 2022

I think you nailed it. How is talking about the thing you are trying to overcome supposed to help you? It allows them to pat themselves on the back about being “good” people, and tell themselves how superior they are to you for not allowing themselves to be like that. i.e. If they had a clue they wouldn’t be on those phone lines. Most of them are trying to put something on their resume to help themselves.

Good luck!

October 2, 2022

@carbonbasedflotsam Thank you. Every little thing helps me work stuff out in the noodles

October 2, 2022

I agree with this 100% and I have been feeling this more than ever. Not suicidal, but I mean the need to reach out to others. I get that this generation seems to be socially isolated and even selfish at times, probably due to technology and being on their phone all the time. There’s too many people with that “leave me alone” attitude. Those people who post things about getting help or reaching out are probably the same people who post things about how they purposely let their phone ring when someone tried to call them. People don’t care until it’s too late, and even that is short lived. I crave meaningful friendships, conversations, connections. But now these days people just mindlessly scroll.

Sometimes those who “overshare” on social media are just in need of someone to listen.

I’m always here if you ever need anyone to talk to 🙂

October 2, 2022

@sweetcherendipities Becareful offering that, I may just haunt you….LOL


October 2, 2022

@newt316 haha don’t worry, I’ll always do my best to make time for people 🙂

October 2, 2022

@carbonbasedflotsam Thank you. Every little thing helps me work stuff out in the noodles