A leaf in the wind

I just painfully realized I just don’t fit anymore. Not in the lives of my loved ones or friends, nor I to the lives of ny co-workers and neighbors. It shouldn’t bother me, but for 48 years, I did fit.

I have reached a point where I have stopped expecting anyone to call or stop by, but I wish they did. My boys have all reached that age where they don’t comprehend their father’s depression and sadness, so they get a pass, but it hurts like Hell.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention this one acquaintance, she has thrown a couple greetings my way and offered a shoulder, which I unfortunately accepted. The ear she claimed to offer turned into the “you don’t know what pain and loss feels like”. Dhe has somewhat one up’d me with every thing. I am sad, she is sadder. What she doesn’t seem to get is, she has a house of her own and a couple children that are there 24/7 and more actual active friends then me. Her “comfort and understanding” is equivalent to the lash that jockeys hit the race horse with to run faster.

Even though I could never bring myself to it, I wonder how long I could go without calling or texting anyone before someone would notice? If I was a betting man, I would definitely think it would be months.

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September 26, 2022

It’s hard feeling like you don’t fit in…especially with your own family.  You just need one person that will truly listen to you.  Not try to fix you or tell you they have it worse, but someone that truly cares what you are saying to them.  We all need that one person…a best friend.  I wish you could find that person.

September 26, 2022

@happyathome I have somewhat in you. It’s just kind of far to come for coffee… 😊


September 27, 2022

@newt316 Wouldn’t that be great if we really could talk over a cup of coffee…I’d like that 🙂

September 28, 2022

It can be longer than months… people just eventually forget about you and will never reach out again.