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A letter not sent

July 17, 2024
The kids are all good, right? If something was to happen that is. They're happy and comfortable, right? I'm in a dark place right now, not sure how or why, I just am. I took this time to make things better, but they're only getting worse. I miss you so much it hurts. I'm so…
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Recent Entries

  • New twist
    July 16, 2024
    so now I'm scared and anxious to get another job. I have already self sabotaged one by being over anxious and I fear I may do it again For some reason my therapist and psychiatrist aren't available and I have no one else to talk about it, that is unless I want the nasty replies…
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  • I did a stupid thing.
    July 12, 2024
    I quit my job. I have $1400 in the bank and I quit my job. Ofcourse I was told that I could get hired at a friend's place. Doesn't seem to be happening now. Don't get me wrong I was suffering with burnout, like anxiety inducing panic burnout . Never a day off, more work…
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  • Another concert, alone
    June 12, 2024
    It's been a while since I last posted. I hope I haven't lost people on here too. Things are all crazy right now. I'm thinking of quitting my job to have a break. I want to change jobs, but haven't heard back from anyone yet. I've just been a mess of anxiety and depression. So…
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  • Losing people
    April 20, 2024
    So I almost lost my job, maybe it would have been preferable than what I am stuck in now. I thought she was a friend. She talked like a sailor and acted like one too. Until she reportede for harassment because I squeezed her shoulders as I had done a hundred times before . I…
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  • To her
    April 9, 2024
    I saw you walking today, God I still love you. Do you ever think about me how I do you? I still live my life like you are in it. I even go so far as sleeping with a pillow at my back so it feels like your there with me. I'm crying like a…
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  • No motivation
    April 4, 2024
    Here I am at work and I have no motivation at all. My morning cashier is sick and I have several hours of paperwork to do while also running the register. It's nice I have customers but I haven't gotten away from the counter to do anything. You know what, I don't want to. I…
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  • Even in a crowd
    March 15, 2024
    I really thought that "getting out" would be a good thing. I tried. Went for a fish fry at a local place. Wound up almost leaving after I was ignored for 15 minutes, no they weren't that busy, I was not a usual. Food was good, but just had the tinge of loneliness that made…
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  • A whisper
    March 10, 2024
    Ive decided to stop living life screaming for people to be in mine. I have a codependency issue I have to learn to live with. It's hard to be codependent on a person who decided in a day that you weren't worth the piss to put out the fire you're engulfed in. Codependent on friends…
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  • I’m fine
    February 18, 2024
    I'm fine. I'm not the friend I should be, or the father, husband, brother or person either. I'm fine I you or someone you know, blah, blah, blah...   I could be dead for weeks before someone will miss me. Cry for help? Yeah, that's been going on for 5 years now and no one I…
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