
I had one of those days that was physically and emotionally draining. I have decided to really try to cut down on how much medication I take for aches and pains. I saw one of those awful "Did you take Tylenol and are now suffering from liver failure call blah blah lawyer" commercials and it made me think.

So I was good about not taking anything for the past few days. Last night I fell asleep early. I must have been twisting my neck in my sleep. I had a slight headache when I woke up. It progressed to a dull ache and by the afternoon a stabbing pain in my neck, right eye and in the temple area. I was feeling so crappy and stressed that I didn’t even buy my lunch at work (usually a frozen entree) for tomorrow. I was at the store earlier but they didn’t have anything that looked good there. So I just bought a caesar salad kit, raisin bread and garlic bread all for 50 percent off. And I have a Wendy’s by my place and ordered some dollar menu food.

Some of my fries fell out of the box onto the paper tray liner when I was there. Instead of replacing the fries the girl just dumped the tray ones. I felt kind of cheated. Better than her picking them up with her bare fingers though. I was at Mcdonalds a few weeks ago. I had some coupons and one of those buy 7 get the 8th coffee cards. I ordered a wrap because I had a 50% off coupon. I noticed the guy handling a wrap (likely my wrap) with his bare hands. It was a manager who was serving me at the till. I know because I have seen her there before. I said politely. "Can you please get your employees to wear gloves?"

Her response was this "They don’t have to by law. They wash their hands each hour." Gross what went through my mind. They could be sick and not know it, absent mindedly pick at their skin, pick their skin, touch something germy without even realizing it. And are they really washing their hands properly? I was going to write them a letter but because it isn’t law I doubt that will do any good. And there have been a few cases of h1n1 here. Someone could potentially be in the beginning stages of it and not know.

I thought about saying to her I wouldn’t go there any more. But I know they could give a rats ass if i do or not. And the $2.10 coffee & muffin deal is pretty good. And they seem to pick up the muffins by the paper part. So I just won’t order anything else from there (other than drinks and ice cream) unless co workers want to go there or something like that.

Every week at least a few times a week I try to help people. Sometimes I write about that in here. Most of the time I don’t. It can include something simple as opening a door for someone who is elderly or disabled. Or taking the time to say a kind word when it is needed. Or something more tangible. I helped someone last week (I don’t want to go into that because I feel it takes away from the situation. Action was done, the individual was helped. My thoughts after were when I initially feel reluctant about helping someone yet i do is it still an accomplishment? When I feel good about my deed is it really true help? When I have that glowy "yay I helped someone" is it purely being selfless or selfish?

Is it right to pick and choose who I help regarding how I feel in the moment, or whoever needs the help the most in my opinion? Or maybe I should just help anyone who asks no matter what the possible financial demand or energy expulsion it requires.




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That’s disgusting that they don’t wear gloves!! YUCK!