The Resistor

Leaded hands and chin. I would fall forward if the there wasn’t cement.

Air is thin and fresher here. I still forget to take the cleansing breath and let go.


No wonder my shoulder hasn’t given up. It may not trust that I can handle the current. Why should it? Repairs and preparations need to be made downstream first. My shoulder is wise, and strong. And tired. The outflow needs to be established..drain the swamp.

I need to give more credit – there are no chances taken when it comes to the body’s inner workings.  I wonder, when did it decide I couldn’t handle the flow? I wish to be a conduit. make me a channel of your peace and chaos.


He says, let’s envision the world we want to be in.

I see a wild thing, surfing, leaning in to the current. the water cold and rapid, her hair flowing around and behind her. The peak, to hold the standing wave ecstatically.

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