Cold…cold…FREAKIN” COLD!!!!!!

It is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cold here.  And I hate it.  HATE IT!!!!!!!!  The older I get, the more I hate cold!!!!!

There were 10 call-ins in nursing this morning.  A ton called in yesterday.  They called to see if I could go in early, but with having no sitter, I couldn’t help ’em out.  I asked the floor that does scheduling when they called to tell me about a call in on my unit, if everybody was sick or what, thinking that what Noah had may be making it’s rounds but Harriet told me it was a variety of reasons. 

There were 2 little boys up by where Aimee lives. They were brothers and were riding with their mom and dad’s best friends Saturday, on their way home when their car was struck by a train and both little boys died.  Our newspaper today had a big story on the front page about how the parents just want to get to the hospital where the other family is at, and let them know they don’t blame ’em for the accident.  They said the 2 little guys were best friends and that is why they both died.  One could never be left without the other. Then the last sentence of the article was something to the effect of…"It was just Chris and I in the beginning and now we’re back to just us again."  They are handling it soooooo much better than I could ever imagine handling it.  Please say a prayer for these people.  I feel so bad for ’em.  It’s just so sad.  And the 2 little guys were so lookin’ forward to the Super Bowl too. One was a Bear’s fan, the other rooted for the Colts.  I hope God let ’em watch it on Heaven’s big screen. 

Have I mentioned how freakin’ CILD IT IS HERE?????

It totally sucks.  TOTALLY!  


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February 6, 2007

It’s sooo cold and it’s snowing! (saw you live in Indiana I do I am in Indy right now)

February 6, 2007

It’s sooo cold and it’s snowing! (saw you live in Indiana I do I am in Indy right now)

OMG, we went to the pool last nite & it was HOT! Not to rub it in or anything! 😛

OMG, we went to the pool last nite & it was HOT! Not to rub it in or anything! 😛